Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

You And Me Baby, We're Stuck Like Glue

Chapter Four;

The next morning I woke up with a start when I heard a hard knock on the front door downstairs.

“Hello?” I heard Catalina’s gentle voice answer the door.

“Hi, my name is David Aligheri. I was Guilia’s brother. Could you tell her to stop by my house sometime? Here’s the address,” I’m guessing he gave her a piece of paper with his address.

“Oh sure!” She chimed.

I sighed. My brother was here. Mom and Dad probably sent him to make sure that I was doing a good job of being the perfect daughter.

Ever since Alyssa’s death, my mom put pressure on me to go back to being perfect. She would scream at me, telling me how stupid I was for allowing myself to become flawed just because I killed a girl. I had the “family reputation to uphold”.

And the fact that I killed someone was just, you know, no big deal to her.

So that’s where it all started. She’s the biggest reason that I started pretending that I was okay. I act like I did before the accident, because it gets all of those nosey bitches off my back.

I heard the front door close, and I’m guessing that David left. I jumped out of bed. And scuffled towards my bathroom, in which there I got in the shower and got out once I had done everything I needed to do.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My empty green eyes were staring back at me, and my dark brown hair seemed so lifeless.

I hate living like this…

Letting out a big sigh, I put some mouse in my hair, and then some mascara on my eyelashes and went back to my bedroom. I put on a sweatshirt that said ‘Cool Story Bro, tell it again’, and a pair of shorts. I grabbed a pair of tennis shoes, then after my socks I put the shoes on.

I looked in the mirror before exiting my room, and grimaced. I guess this was the best I would be getting. I walked out my room, and grabbed my rubber wristband that said ‘STFU’ that Aly had given me on my 12th birthday.

I skipped down the stairs, and smiled brightly at Catalina.

“Hi honey! How’d you sleep?”

“Great mom, how about you?”

This ‘perfect family’ shit is going to get old fast. And when I say fast, I mean its already getting old as of right now.

“Fantastic. How about you sit down, and I get you some breakfast?” Catalina smiled sweetly, and started walking back into the kitchen.

I stopped her quickly, “Oh no! Don’t bother yourself. I was actually wondering if I could go walk around town today? The cab driver from yesterday said that there was a beach not far from here, and I wanted to take a run.”

Catalina smiled, but it was strained, “Well sure. But the last time you went out, you came home with cuts all over your body… Will you be okay this time?”

I wanted to roll my eyes.

“Yes, I will be fine. I’m going to get breakfast on my way to the beach also, but I have money so you don’t have to worry.” Queue the sugary sweetness.

“Hmm. Okay then. Be back by dinner. Love you!” She kissed my forehead, and shooed me off.

I rolled my eyes when my back was towards her. So annoying.

I walked out the door, and took a deep breath. It smelled like freshly fallen rain and grass. I smiled, and pulled out my iPod. I plugged in the headphones, clicked shuffle, and started jogging in some random direction.

I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace came on, and I shook my head. How fitting…

My feet graced the cement, and my heart pumped faster and faster. The adrenaline was flowing freely through my veins, and I felt free. It was almost as if I wasn’t adopted, I wasn’t in a different country, and I wasn’t a murderer. I was just me.

I looked across the street after I had been running for about 20 minutes, and I saw a little cafe. I looked both ways, and quick sprinted across the street. I pulled out my headphones, and despite the fact that I was sweating like a pig, I went in the quaint little shop.

I sat down at stool, and pulled out the $15 that I had brought with me.

“Can I help ya?” A kind old woman came up to me, asking.

I nodded and said politely, “Can I have a number three, with a glass of chocolate milk, please?”

“Sure thing sweetie! Where are ya from? I havent seen ya around, and ya gots an adorable accent!” She grinned, and I saw she was missing a few teeth.

“I’m from Italy, and I just moved here.” I smiled.

“Italy! Well my oh my. That’s quite a move.”

“I know.” I said and smiled politely. I wish she would just stop talking and get my damn food.

“Your food will be out in a jiffy!” She cheered, and skipped back into the kitchen.

I sighed and shook my head. The people here are quite weird…

About fifteen minutes later, my food was here. And in another 20 I was out the door, broke but full.

I decided instead of running that I would just walk and enjoy the scenery. I walked away from the town, and was hoping that I would find the beach eventually. Once the road was completely surrounded by forest I thought, why not go in?

The last time didn't work out too well for me, but hey, anything could happen! I stopped walking, and I just listened to the air. Trying to find out which was the water was. Instead of hearing water, I heard a loud growl, and the a yelp that sounded like a dog or a wolf.

Instantly worried that an animal might be hurt, I sprinted into the right side of the woods. I listened hard for continuing of the whimpering of the injured animal, and I heard it about 20 feet in front of me. I got there in no time and I was shocked to see what was happening before my eyes.

Two huge wolves were just fighting each other. And when I say huge, I mean practically horse-size.

A silver wolf was under the rusty colored one, and the silver one was bloody in a lot of places. My eyes grew wider and wider as the rusty colored on bit into the silver ones chest.

“STOP!” I screamed, running towards the beasts.

What the hell am I thinking? Oh my god, I’m going to die…

“Get off!” Yelling at the big wolf I tried pushing him off. This fricken thing is bigger than I am!

The adrenaline is going fast throughout my whole body, and I was feeling fearless. I gave the giant rusty wolf a huge shove, and he snapped at me. His teeth grazed my arm and I gasped in pain.

This was enough distraction for the silver wolf to get up, and fight back. My job was clearly done here.

Tears were flowing down my face from the stinging pain in my arm. It was gushing blood, and I was running to try and get help. I reached the beach and fell to the ground. My head was pounding something furious, and I was starting to see black dots.

“Oh shit!” I heard someone yell from what seemed like a distance. “Are you okay? What happened?” The man asked, picking me up while running somewhere.

“The wolves were fighting, and I didn't want them to die…” I muttered in shallow breath.

“You tried to stop wolves from attacking each other?!” The guy shouted as if I was crazy.

“Death is not something I would wish on anyone. Animal, or human.” I said, and I heard him speak before I passed out.

“Brave. But crazy.”

* * *

When I woke up, I was laying in a bed. My arm was bandaged heavily, but other than the throbbing I was fine.

I got up quickly, and fell back down when the blood rushed to my head, “Bad idea…” I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

The next time I got up, it was better. I stretched, and walked out the bedroom door. Quietly, I walked through the house, and tried to find an exit. I wasn’t really worried, but it was kind of an awkward situation to be in.

I walked down a flight of stairs, and into a large living room.

“Shit…” I whispered when I heard a bunch of yelling and laughter. I sighed, but I forced myself to walk into the room. If I didn't leave through this way, I probably wouldn’t get out at all.

I took my first step into the room, and once I was entirely in the room, it got silent. I almost felt shocked by the amount of guys that were in this room, and how big and hot they all were!

“Uhm. Well this is awkward…” I said, clearing my throat.

The guys all looked at each other and then at one specific guy in the corner whose mouth was dropped open wide.

“How are you feeling?” I heard a woman ask, running her hand over my forehead.

I backed away quickly, “Fine.”

The guys all laughed, “She doesn’t know who you are, Em.” A guy said, hugging her from behind.

“Clearly.” I rolled my eyes. I felt my stomach drop after I said that, and I felt kind of bad for it.

“Don’t get all sassy with us! You would have died if Sam here didn't save you.” One of the guys said, pointing to the man hugging the woman.

I groaned loudly, “Who are you all?” I was sick of not knowing the names.

After they all went through their names we got to the man in the corner, and he stood up his full height.

“I’m Paul.” He said, then let out a big warm smile, and I felt a flutter in my heart.

Confused by my body’s reaction to him, I glared. I don’t want him messing with me.

“Well I’m Guilianna Aligheri. Does anyone know how bad the bite is? I cant really remember…” I muttered, and let out an awkward laugh.

“Its bad.” Emily said sadly.

“Ah. That sucks. Oh well.” I shrugged.

“What happened?” Seth, one of the youngest, asked me curiously.

I chuckled awkwardly, “Well, there were these gigantic wolves fighting, a rusty colored one, and a silver one. The silver one was injured, and the rusty colored one just kept on attacking him. I got mad, so I just ran into the fight, and tried to shove the rusty one off. But in the process he bit my arm, and the silver one got a chance to get up and fight back. I left after that. But I hope the silver one is okay…” I said, biting my lip nervously.

I mean, what if I didn't save him? What if he still died? I’d feel horrible…

Paul let out a loud laugh, “Oh, I’m sure he’s fine.” I gave him a look of confusion.

I shrugged, “I hope I will get proof of that someday.”

Jacob spoke up, “I’m so sorry.”

“For what?”

“Uhm, that you had to go through that.” He scratched the back of his neck.

I smiled brightly, “It’s no big deal. At least now I can say that I battled a wolf and made it out alive!” Everyone laughed.

I was tired. Tired of pretending for one day.

“Look… I’m not trying to sound rude or anything, but can someone show me how to get home? I just want to sleep for a week.” I said, biting my lip.

“Yeah, I can.” Paul said, walking over to the door, expecting me to follow.

“Uhhhh.” I said, and then looked at Seth, who was closest to me, “He wont rape me, will he?” I asked quietly, but everyone seemed to hear me and laughed.

“No I won’t.” Paul smiled sweetly, which in turn made me smile. But I quick wiped it off my face, and followed him out.

He gave me clear directions and I nodded along, listening intently.

“But you come back soon and see me, okay?” He asked softly.

I blushed, and nodded, “Okay…”

He wrapped his arms around me quickly, and I had to practically jump to reach his shoulders.

“See you soon then.” Paul smiled.

I nodded, “Soon it is.” And of I was on my way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm. Update tomorrow? Tis tres possible (: