Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Maybe I Think You're Cute And Funny;

Chapter Five

I was listening to the world on my walk home. It was peaceful. It was almost as if the world was waiting for me to start living again. I was almost even willing to accept that offer. The offer of life.

And suddenly it was as if the offer was just stolen from me. It felt as if I was hit by a truck, and then I could feel a tree digging into my back.

I looked up and saw Jasper shoving me against this tree. He looked absolutely rabid. His eyes were black, and he was growling ferociously.

“Who are you?” He growled and I started blinking quickly.

“You know who I am!” I cried out in pain from his hands digging into my arms.

“No. I dont.” He spat, “What are the Volturi planning?!” Jasper hissed.

“What is that?” I screamed, while trying to wiggle my way out of his iron grip.

Jasper let out a loud feral roar, and then I burst into tears. Maybe I could make him feel guilty…

This is nothing like the situation not more than ten minutes ago. The guys back in LA Push would never hurt me, but Jasper… well that’s another story. Jasper might feel bad about it.

“Come with me.” He hissed, and yanked me along in his arms.

Not as if I had much of a choice…

But I was still sobbing trying to get it him stop, as he dragged me across the forest floor.

“Jasper… what’s going on?!” I cried out.

He glared but it had softened a little. It was as if my charade had started working.

Jasper stopped in the middle of the forest, and I could see his house not too far away.

“I don’t get it Guilianna. Why aren’t you letting people in?”

My mouth dropped open a little and I wiped the fake tears, “What do you mean?”

“You honestly weren’t terrified? That just not…human.” He sounded puzzled.

“Yeah, well you clearly aren’t human here either, buddy!” I shouted and stood up, wiping off my butt with all the dirt that had gotten on it, “Oh and nice going ruining my sweatshirt, you butthead!”

Jasper glared and grabbed my wrist, yanking me towards the house.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get my wrist away, “I do have my own feet, you know.”

“I know.” Jasper grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

“This is ridiculous.” I sighed, absolutely exasperated.

We reached the house, and Jasper turned to speak to me fully. We were in front of the porch and people started to come up to the door. The door opened when Jasper spoke.

“You know what is ridiculous, Guilianna? How the only emotion that I get from you, is regret. Whenever there is a shimmer of happiness, you shut it away. Why is that?”

“That’s none of your business.” I said, with my face like stone.

“Oh, it is my business! Why? Giana, why do you fake being happy?” Jasper kept pushing.

Anger flared through my whole body.

“Do NOT call me Giana.” I threw my fist at his face, and hissed in pain at the aftermath. I ignored the pain as the tirade of questions occurred.

“I will call you whatever I please.” Jasper said, and then everyone that was standing in the door started walking onto the porch, ready to stop a fight if need be.

“No. You wont. Because you know nothing about me. You don’t know who I know, what I’ve done, and who I’ve done things to. So just stop bullshitting everyone, and leave me alone!” I screamed, and started stomping off.

Once again I was yanked back. But this time, it was by Edward.

“What?!” I screamed at him.

“You didn’t kill her.” He said, looking into my eyes. What he thought would be calming towards me, only ended up making me madder than ever before. It was a real emotion, and it felt great.

I glared, and then lunged. I punched and kicked Edward, unsuccessfully, until my whole body was hurting. I’m positive I broke at least 5 of my own bones. Edward was just holding me while trying to calm me down.

I groaned, pushed my self away from him, and fell to the ground. I looked at my pounding hands and saw how swollen they were getting. Great.

“What the hell is going on here Gi-Gi?” I was on the ground and I heard my brother, David ask. When did David even get here?

Then Emmett flew at David, once my brother tried to take a step towards me.

I screamed to get everyone’s attention.

I was sitting on the ground and I sighed.


“Who the hell are you?” Emmett growled at David.

“Her brother.” David hissed in his defense.

“Lies.” Emmett roared, “You’re a vampire, and a Volturi nonetheless. She’s human. There is NO relation.” Emmett threw David at least thirty feet away and my mouth dropped open.

I was trying to process everything and I just couldn’t come up with an actual answer to what was going on. My brother was a… vampire?

Suddenly David was back, and he and Emmett continued punching and arguing. The rest of the family was arguing about what to do with me about ten feet away.

I was sick of this, “Stop! Stop it right now!” When no one listened, I tried again.

I failed, once again. One last try.

“Stop!” I put enough power, and emotion in my voice that everyone looked at me, “Please. Someone just explain what the fuck is going on right now.” I said quietly, but everyone heard me.

Emmett and David walked over to me, and both men held their hands out towards me. I looked back and forth, and wasn’t sure who to pick. It was almost as if the two giant men were making this another way of fighting but not physically.

I took Emmett’s hand, and David looked at me hurt.

“What have you been lying to me about?” I asked, pain emitting from my heart. I looked up at Emmett, and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

I just needed someone right now…

Edward spoke, “Let’s take this inside. Emmett, can you take Guilia upstairs to your room, and let her take a nap? I’m sure this has been an exhausting experience.

I nodded, “Thank you.” I dipped my head down, and smiled tiredly.

Emmett picked me up in his arms, and we walked into the house. He quickly carried me up the stairs, and placed me gently in his bed. I snuggled under the covers, and then patted the bed for him to join me.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.” I nodded, smiling slightly.

“Aren’t you…scared?” He asked, looking upset.

I shook my head, “Never. I know for a fact, you wouldn’t hurt me.”

Emmett smiled, and his dimples showed. That made my heart flutter, and this time I didn't stop it.

Emmett came into the bed besides me, and I cuddled into his chest, and drifted off to sleep.

* * *

I woke up, when I felt a pair of cold lips touch my forehead. I smiled, and looked up to see Emmett grinning back at me.

“You make adorable noises when you sleep.” He said, and that caused me to blush.

“Well, that’s embarrassing…” I chuckled awkwardly.

Emmett just smiled, and we got out of bed. I yawned, and stretched. My back cracked, and I felt refreshed and good. I looked at my hands, and saw that they were in bandages, and the pain was less.

“Now, let’s go deal with the drama.” I sighed, and walked out the door with Emmett following close behind.

Before we reached the area where everyone was, I tried to sort everything out in my mind.

So David is a vampire. And Jasper knew that I was pretending to be happy. And Edward knows about Alyssa. What’s a Volturi? Everyone keeps bringing that up.

I just sighed, and stopped questioning things. They were just making my head hurt.

Emmett and I reached the bottom of the stairs, and I saw everyone looking at me. I smiled, but like always there was no emotion behind it.

Jasper glared, and I bit my lip. Does he really have that much against me?

“Guiles, we need to talk.” David said, standing next to Carlisle. I nodded, and sat down on a couch next to Emmett.

“David, just start from the very beginning. I’m sick of having to think of everything.” I muttered, fiddling my thumbs.

My brother sighed, “There isn’t really an easy way to start this.”

“What are you?” I asked him, giving a perfect example of a place to start.

“I’m a vampire. I was changed 3 years ago, by our mother. Do you remember when Mom took me on a camping trip when you were 13? It was a year before Alyssa died, and we were all happy. I told Mother that I didn't want to have to wait around to die. So she changed me.” David said, truth radiating from his words.

I understood so I nodded, “So Mom is one of you also. What about Papa?”

David just nodded.

“Gee, I’m glad you all fooled me for so long.” I said monotone.

The sad thing about all of this is that I still don’t feel anything. I don’t feel mad, or sad, or betrayed. It’s all just blank.

“I wanted to tell you! Mother refused to even mention it until you were 18.” David sighed, “And the Volturi didn't want to lose you.”

“What is a Volturi?” Was my next question.

Carlisle spoke up, “They are a kind of government for all vampires. They reside in a town that you know very well.”

“Volterra…” I muttered a guess.

“Bingo.” Emmett said, next to me. Giving me a look of sympathy.

“Fine, but why do they want me?” I asked, looking around at all of the faces in the room.

“That’s another story in itself.” David said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Well, we aren’t getting any older.” I spoke, “Oh, at least, you aren’t.”

David groaned, “You wont let that go, will you?”

I stood up, “What the hell do you expect me to do? You lied. You lied to me for 17 years! And the moment I find out about it, I’m supposed to just forget about it in five minutes?”

I realized that I was yelling, and I tried to calm myself.

“Fine. If that’s what you want, then I’ll forget it. I’ll forget everything. Just don’t bring it up again, then everything will be normal.” I said monotone once again, and I started walking out the door.

I think everyone was in shock from me just telling them that. It was about a minute later before David came out the door following me on the lawn. The Cullen household followed soon after.

“The moment you were born, every vampire knew about it. The prophets in Volterra told the leaders that they needed you. When you turn 18, you will become the most powerful vampire in the world. And everyone knows it.” David spoke loud enough for me to stop walking away.

I scoffed, “Yeah right. And who says I’m going to become a vampire?”

“This has been planned since you were 5.” David said.

My eyebrow rose, “Five? Why that specific number?”

“You’ll find out.” David spoke cryptically.

I groaned, “Stop freaking me out with that cryptic shit! I’m done playing games. Just tell me the truth.” I said sounding pathetic at the end.

“She’s not dead, Giana. She’s alive. And waiting for you.”

And with that, I ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was originally planning on putting this in Emmetts P.O.V buttttt, I decided against it.

Lets be best friends, yes? <3 :)