Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Love Me Or Hate Me; It's Still An Obsession

Chapter Six

I just ran. I kept running until I saw a sign that said ‘Welcome to La Push.’ After I saw that, I stopped.

I sat off the side of the road, and just started crying. I was terrified. And this was a feeling that wasn’t welcomed.

How could Alyssa be alive? It’s not even possible! She’s not alive, and I know it. I sat on the side of the road, and just shook while my body cried out every emotion that I had been holding back for the past 3 years.

“I’m done.” I said to myself.

I’m done being something I’m not. If Alyssa really is alive, then she would be mad that I am acting like this. I’m going to do that whole… uh, emotion thing.

I stood up, and wiped my tears. I probably looked like a mess. I know that my shorts had dirt all over them, and my sweatshirt had a few gashes in it. My shoes were relatively clear, so that’s a plus.

I started walking towards the beach again, but this time, it was different.

I felt as if I could breathe. If Aly was alive, then everything I had been doing to myself was a lie. But why would she be staying away from me, if she was alive? That’s the only thing I don’t understand.

I sighed, but pushed the thoughts out of my head as I arrived at the sandy beach. I kept walking forward until I reached the edge of the water. I sat down, and put my feet in the water.

I don’t know how long I sat there and just look out at the water, but it must have been a while.

I felt a nudge on my arm next to me, and I looked over. A huge grin appeared on my face when I saw the silver wolf sitting next to me.

I stood up, and so did the giant beast. It was kind of pathetic how I was still shorter than the wolf.

“I hate being 5’2”.” I groaned to the wolf.

The wolf just let out a bark and licked my face. I laughed, and wiped the slobber off. I look into the wolfs eyes, and I felt a strange pull towards him. I took a step forward, and wrapped my little arms around his neck.

This felt right.

“What are you doing!?” I heard someone yell from a distance. I looked over the wolfs shoulder and saw Seth running towards us.

“Chill Seth. He’s harmless.” I spoke, and then scratched behind the animal’s ear.

“Harmless?” Seth scoffed, “He’d probably eat you.”

Seth let out a loud laugh when the wolf growled and took a step towards him.

I stuck my tongue out at Seth, “See. He likes me more than he likes you.”

Seth just rolled his eyes and laughed, “Come with me, the guys want to see you.”

I nodded, and the soon started to follow. But not until after I gave the wolf a light kiss on his giant head.

“Do you like wolves?” Seth asked me when we were on our way to his friends.

I shrugged, “I’ve never really thought about it before. But its just that one wolf is so… I don’t even know. I just feel connected to him somehow.”

Seth bit his lip, “Ah, I see.” And I just nodded.

“Guilia!” I heard Emily exclaim, and I smiled.

“Hey.” I said quietly.

“What did you do to your hands?” She asked worriedly, coming up to me.

I didn't really think I could tell them I got into a fight with a vampire. I mean, they would think I’m crazy. But maybe it is so crazy that they would just laugh it off.

I tried my luck, “Oh, I just got into a fight with a vampire.” I smiled.

Everyone’s mouth dropped open, and I bit my lip. Oops, I guess they probably think I’m crazy.

I laughed awkwardly, “Chill guys, I was joking. I just got into a fight with Edward Cullen.” I shrugged.

“Like that’s any better!” Jacob scoffed.

“What’s up your butt?” I rolled my eyes.

Something about that Jacob kid makes me mad.

“Hey! When did you get here?” Paul asked me, coming out of the forest. I smiled brightly at him, and replied.

“Like three minutes ago.”

“Yeah, the crazy chick was sitting with a silver wolf on the beach, and was hugging him.” Seth laughed, and then I blushed, and gave Seth a hard shove on the shoulder.

“Shut up Seth.” Paul put the younger boys head in a arm lock, and messed up Seth’s hair.

I just laughed, “You two are such boys.”

“You like it.” Paul winked at me, and I blushed, yet again.

“Alright, alright. Let’s stop ganging up on the poor girl.” Emily said, and I smiled thankfully at her, “Now who’s hungry?” The guys all cheer and I smiled.

Boys and their appetites.

“Actually, Guilia, would you want to go to this café down the street? I’m sure the guys wont leave much for you to eat.” Paul laughed nervously.

I nodded, “Sure.”

“See ya!” Everyone waved as the two of us walked away.

“So tell me about that wolf you saw.” Paul said to start out a conversation.

I just shrugged, “It wasn’t that big of a deal. I hugged it, and Seth came up.”

“Weren’t you scared that he would hurt you?”

I gave Paul a weird look, “Who said it’s a he? And I don’t know, I just felt safe with it.”

“All wolves are male in this area.” Paul said.

I just nodded, “Okay then.”

“So what happened to your hands?” Paul asked, grabbing one of them.

The instant his fingers touched the bare skin of my wrist, I got butterflies. I smiled shyly at Paul, while blushing.

“I punched this asshole. I guess my hands weren’t bad enough to cast, but they needed to be wrapped.” I shrugged.

“That’s hot.” Paul winked, and I burst out laughing.

“How is that hot?”

He grunted, “That means you have a temper, and you aren’t afraid to show it. I like that.”

I shook my head, while letting a small smile grace my face. He really has no idea. Its not even like I have a temper, Edward is just a poofy-haired fairy that made me mad.

We reached a small ice cream shop, and Paul opened the door to let me in.

“So you’re a gentleman?” I asked chuckling quietly, as Paul then went to pull out a chair to a small table that was right next the window.

“That’s what my mama taught me,” Paul grinned, “What do you want?”

I bit my lip while thinking, “Hmm. I’ll have a scoop of bubblegum.”

He gave me a weird look, but went up to get our ice cream none the less. A few minutes later, he sat across from me, and passed me my cone.

“Thank you.” I said sincerely.

Paul gave me a deep look, “Anytime.”

We both ate our ice cream in silence, and I took this time to try and understand Paul. He was looking outside the window, so I was kind of figuring that he wouldn’t notice me analyzing him.

I looked at his face. His forehead was creased as if he was worrying about something. But his lips, they were curved slightly at the corners, and he let out a little huff of breath as if he was laughing at something I had said.

I don’t know what it was about Paul, but he just drew me in. I felt safe with him.

“Can I tell you a story?” Paul looked at me, and caught my green eyes with his melted chocolate ones.

I nodded, “Sure.”

“Many years ago, there was a tribe of men and women that lived on these lands. The men weren’t fully human though. They were able to shift into giant wolves. You remember the silver wolf, right?” Paul asked.

“Of course. How could I forget?”

“Well that is pretty much how big these wolves were. But anyways, back to the story.” Paul said, getting his voice back to story mode.

I laughed, and looked back at him intently.

“So these shape shifters would only emerge when they were needed most. These men would turn when there was appearances of the Cold Ones on the land that the people lived on.” Paul was telling the story, until I interrupted.

“Who are the cold ones?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

Paul sighed, “I cant tell you that.”

I laughed confused, “Okay? That’s weird.”

He nodded, “But, back to the story. Stop distracting me!” Paul stuck his tongue out at me, and I grinned.

“Sorry I cant help it. I’m a distracting girl.” I winked, jokingly.

“True that.” Paul laughed with me, “Story. Remember. Okay, well once these men turned, then they would fight and protect the people of the lands. The shape shifters also had this thing called an imprint. It’s like your soul mate.”

I stopped him, “How would they know if they had an imprint?”

“It’s like an instant connection. Once the two lock eyes, its like they are just attracted to each other.”

I looked up, and Paul was staring deeply into my eyes. I blinked quickly, and blushed. I wonder what it would be like to actually have one of those imprint things.

“What would you say, if I imprinted on you?” Paul asked quietly.

My breath caught in the back of my throat, “Well its not real, so we wont have to worry about that.”

Paul looked a little disappointed, “You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”

My mind instantly thought of Emmett, and I felt sick to my stomach. Emmett was such a nice guy, and here I was flaunting myself to this guy I don’t even know.

“No I don’t, but I need to go.” I stood up, and walked out of the ice cream parlor quickly, leaving Paul looking at where I was just sitting, stunned.

I smacked myself in the forehead when I was a while away from La Push. I’m so stupid!

I will not screw this up. If I am going to let people in, then it will be the people that understood what’s going on, and what happened beforehand. Not some buff hottie that knows how to make girls hearts flutter.

I mean for all I know, Paul could just be playing me.

I sighed while walking. My thoughts continued racing through my mind, until I reached home.

“I’m home!” I yelled into the quiet house, but I quickly ran up my stairs to ignore the questioning about my hands.

“Okay!” I heard Catalina yell from the kitchen.

I jumped on my bed, layed my head down, and soon enough I was out like a light.

I just wish I would have stayed up 10 more minutes…
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<3 13 Subscribers. Thanks guys (: