Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

When Your Past Calls, Let It Go To Voicemail. You've Heard It All Before.

Chapter Seven

I woke up the next morning, and got out of bed quickly. I stretched, and took in a deep breath. Today was going to be a good day, I can just tell.

I walked into my bathroom, and looked into the mirror. My green eyes were bright and shiny. I smiled slightly.

If Alyssa was alive, then I would find her.

I stepped into my shower and washed my hair and body with my coconut scented products. After I was done, I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and then did my hair. I curled it and then just threw it over my shoulder. I grabbed my make up kit, and then did my normal routine as quick as possible.

I practically skipped into my room then to my closet. I grabbed a dress, and a jacket, and quickly put it on. I also grabbed a pair of sandals with tan flowers on them, and slid them on my feet.

I looked in my jewelry box, grabbed some bracelets, my favorite feather earrings, my long ring, and I was finished.

I looked in my mirror at the finished product. I smiled a little, and then twirled out of the room.

It felt amazing to finally be able to laugh and have fun. It was like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I hopped down the stairs and listened to see if anyone was awake.

I shrugged as I reached the kitchen. I pranced into the comfortable cooking area, and looked into the fridge. I sighed when I didn't find any food. I closed the door lightly just incase they were asleep.

I looked at the counter and saw that there was a note. I picked it up gingerly.

Guilia –

Ryan and I had a business trip. We’ll be back soon. Take this credit card, and buy whatever you need.

- Catalina

I gave the note a really weird look. It seemed weird that Catalina would just leave like that. And this doesn’t seem like her hand writing…

Oh well.

I grabbed a banana and walked out the front door.

“What will I do today?” I asked myself aloud, while taking a bite of my banana.

“Go on a date with me?” I heard a male voice ask from beside me. I jumped, and let out a little scream.

“What the hell Emmett. Don’t scare me like that!” I put my hand over my heart trying to calm it down.

Emmett gave me an evil grin, “Oh trust me Guilianna, if I wanted to scare you, it would be way worse than that.” After those dreadful words Emmett got an idea in his brain. There was a sinister grin on his face, and he started growling playfully.

Then suddenly Emmett pounced on me, and picked me up, spinning me fast.

I started giggling really hard, “Emmett! Knock it off!”

“Never!” He shouted like a little child.

I stuck my tongue out, and let out a squeak when Emmett grabbed my tongue quick as lightning.

“Wet gawo uf meh pung!” I exclaimed, trying to free my tongue from his grasp. Emmett let go with a snort, and I grinned.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Emmett asked suspiciously. I just grinned wider.

“It might not be today. But I will get you back. I swear on my life, Emmett Cullen, you will be scared out of your pants.” I grinned, and then jumped on his back, attempting to wrestle him to the ground.

Clearly, that went no where.

I jump hung onto his back after I was to tired to finish taking him down.

“Go horsey! Go!” I laughed, smacking Emmett’s butt, trying to get him to give me a piggy back ride.

Emmett looked at me, and laughed. His minty breath was like a breeze of fresh wind on my face. I leaned into his shoulder, and closed my eyes. I was calm here. I could feel his muscles bulging against my body, and the lack of heat was refreshing.

I sighed. It was nice not to have guilt eating away at me.

“You okay?” Emmett asked, while walking at a human pace. He had no problems carrying me.

“I’m great.” I said honestly.

I could sense Emmett smiling, and I just kept my eyes closed, “Let’s take a trip up to Seattle.”

I looked at him oddly, “Uh, Em… that’s like three and a half hours away. It would take forever to get there.”

Emmett gave me a huge smile. The smile kind of creeped me out.

“What? You kind of freak me out… And not in a good way. Kind of like a serial killer…” I looked at him strangely.

Emmett let out a booming laughed, “You called me Em.”

I snorted, “That’s it?”

He nodded, “That’s it.”

I laughed, “Okay, weirdo.”

“Shut up back there. Or I’ll make you walk to Seattle.”

I scoffed, “Pu-lease. You wouldn’t. You love me to much.”

I could hear him rolling his eyes from the tone of his voice, “Oh yeah Giana, totally.”

“Giana?” I questioned, “But don’t deny it! You think I’m sexy.” I winked when he looked back giving me an exasperated look.

“Can I call you that?” He asked, nervously, as if I was going to yell at him like I did with Jasper.

“Of course.” I smiled sweetly.

“Close your eyes.” Emmett whispered, and it gave my heart flutters.

I did as he said but asked, “Why?”

“I’ll show you in a few minutes…” He trailed off.

I felt the wind blast through my hair and I let out a loud laugh. I could tell he was running somewhere. I peeked my eyes open a little and almost got sick. Bad idea. I shut my eyes quick, and then just enjoyed the ride.

We slowly stopped, and Emmett told me to open my eyes.

“Where are we?”

“Seattle.” Emmett let out a smirk.

“Butthead.” I laughed.

Then we walked out of the dark alley where Emmett must have put us so that no one could see him running that fast.

Emmett took a hold on my hand, and I smiled up to him.

I probably looked like a midget. I was a measly 5’2” while Emmett was probably a whole foot taller than me. But at the moment, I didn't even care. I just looked in to the golden pools of his eyes, and practically melted like chocolate.

My stomach let out a ferocious growl, interrupting our staring contest.

I groaned, “Shut up!” And I smacked my belly lightly, hoping that it would stop making noises.

“Hungry?” Emmett smirked.

“Shut up. A growing girl needs her food!”

“Then you better eat a lot, because you have a lot to grow shortie.” Emmett said, letting his laugh ring through the air.

“Oh you are so lucky I’m human, or I would totally beat you up.”

Emmett shushed me, and I rolled my eyes.

“Who is going to care? Honestly, people would just think its weird if they heard. Watch…” I said, sadly letting go of his hand.

I walked over to this boy about the age of six with his mother I was guessing.

“I’m a vampire. Watch out, or I’ll eat you!” I growled, chomping my jaws together.

The little boy just started laughing, but the mom hit me with her purse.

“What is wrong with you?! You are scarring my child! Teenagers these days.” She scoffed, and hobbled off with her kid.

“Have a good day!” I called after her, and she just flipped me off when her son wasn’t looking.

“Creep!” She yelled.

I scoffed, “How rude…”

I heard Emmett laughing his butt off over where I left him, I just skipped back over there.


“I have never seen any one do that before in my life.” Emmett said, still chuckling.

I grinned, “There’s a first time for everything!”

I stood next to him, and then wrapped my small him in his. I loved the feeling of his hand practically swallowing mine.

“Shall we go feed the beast?” Emmett grinned, talking about my stomach.

I laughed, “Definitely!”

I smiled, and felt warm and cold with him at the same time. He made my heart pump faster with every touch, laugh, and smile.

My heart gave a flutter when he said my name. A smile instantly came to my face whenever he said something funny. A blush covered my cheeks when he complimented me. Thoughts of him constantly crossed my mind.

I probably should get used to that.
♠ ♠ ♠
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