Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Go Ahead; Tell Your Friends I'm Obsessive And Crazy. I'll Tell Mine You're Gay.

Chapter Eight

I felt a pair of lips touch my forehead, and I knew it was time for school.

“Good morning sweet pea.” I heard Emmett say softly from beside me. I looked up, yawning.

“Hello baby cakes.” I smiled at the names.

“How about you go get ready for school, and I make you some breakfast. Yes?” I nodded at his request, and I got out of my warm bed right before him.

I stepped in my shower, and thought about everything that has happened in the last month.

It was hard to think about how it had already been a whole month since the day that Emmett had taken me to Seattle. After we went out to lunch, he took me shopping, and we went on the Needle thing, and that’s when he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Of course I said yes.

But now I kind of feel like we have a Edward-Bella type of relationship. Emmett refuses to do anything sexual with me, besides kissing.

It pisses me off.

I sighed, as the coconut shampoo washed down my back.

Despite that downfall of our relationship, I have been perfectly happy. So happy, that I’m just waiting for that ball to drop.

Every weekend Emmett and I will go somewhere. He’ll take me on some romantic picnic, or we will go ice skating someone freezing.

The great thing about Emmett being a vampire is that I don’t have to waste money on gas for a car. He just runs me everywhere.

I finished my shower quickly, and hopped out to dry off. I dried my hair hastily, and then curled it. I left the long dark brown curls just lay on my back and I went back into my room.

I left my towel by my shower, and walked into my room, thinking that Emmett was still downstairs making me breakfast.

Bad idea.

I walked into my room butt naked, and I saw Emmett sitting on my bed.

My mouth dropped open, and I let out a little squeak. Emmett’s head snapped up at me, and before I knew it I was pressed up sharply against my doors. I tried covering myself up with what movement I had of my hands.

“Emmett…” I said shakily. I bit my lip while trembling with fear.

“You look… delicious.” Emmett grumbled in my ear.

I could just hear his thirst in his voice.

“You don’t want to hurt me Emmett.” I cooed, trying to get him to back off.

“I thought you wanted this?” He whispered huskily in my ear. He started kissing down my neck, and then without biting, started sucking on my neck. I knew that I would have a huge hickey forming there in a few minutes.

If I wasn’t so scared, he would have turned me on.

“Emmett Cullen. If you do not let go of me right now, I will…do something really bad!” I tried shoving him off of me.

“Terrifying.” He let out a chuckle.

I looked at him straight in the eyes, and I saw the normal golden color I love completely gone and replaced with a deep black.

I think the staring made him realize what he was doing, because the next thing I realize is that I am on the ground practically hyperventilating. I let out a deep breath of relief.

I was actually proud of him… as sad as that sounds.

I’m glad he didn't kill me.

Well. Never thought I’d think that in my life time…

I sighed, and got up. I walked into my closet and got a pair of shorts, and a large flowy sweater that said Je t’aime on it. It was French for I love you. Carissa bought it for me when I was back in Italy.

I went back into my bathroom, and looked at my neck. My mouth dropped open, when I saw howdark it was.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed.

I groaned when I realized that no amount of cover up was going to hide this. I decided to just let it show. Maybe my hair would cover it.

I put on some mascara, and eyeliner, then finished with a bit of chap stick.

I went back into my room, and my heart was completely calm. It kind of felt like the incident that happened not but five minutes ago didn't even happen.

I grabbed two bracelets, my ‘All Time Low’ one and put that on my left wrist. Then I got my ‘To Write Love on Her Arms’ band and put it in my right wrist. Then I put on a locket with a picture of my old dog in it.

Once I was completely finished I put on a pair of sandals, and hopped downstairs to get my food.

“Emmett!” I screamed when I didn't see him down stairs.

He didn't come. I groaned, he was probably mad at himself. A plan formed in my mind, and I smirked.

“Emmett help me!” I screamed sounded like I was crying, “Oh my god! No! Don’t kill me!” Queue the ear piercing scream.

The door flung open, and Emmett was standing there growling ready to pounce.

“Em, I’m fine. Calm down. We need to talk.” I said calmly, walking towards him.

“Don’t come near me!” He hissed, trying to distance himself from me. I looked at him and saw a bit of blood on the corner of his mouth. I thought nothing of it anymore.

“Emmett. Please, stop.”

“No! I could have killed you Guilianna! Do you not realize that?!” Emmett said, and I could see the anger on his face.

“I do realize that. But what I also realized is that you didn't kill me.”

“That doesn’t matter.” He growled.

I walked up to him, and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me.

“Emmett. Look at me.” He was avoiding my gaze, “Emmett.”

My voice made his eyes snap towards me. I wiped the blood off the corner of his lip, and gave him a light kiss.

“It’s way to early for me to tell you that I’m in love with you. But Emmett Cullen, I am deeply, deeply, in like with you.” I said, and looked into his softening eyes.

He let a dimpling smile grace his face, “I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you.” I kissed him lightly again, “Now come in the kitchen with me. You are keeping me from my food!”

“Oh how horrible of me.” He laughed.

I nodded, “It should be illegal!” Emmett smiled, letting his dimples show, and I went and ate. Soon enough Emmett helped me up into his giant jeep, and we were off to school.

I kissed him goodbye, and all the girls glared. I smirked, and then kissed him deeper. I loved pissing those bitches off.

I heard someone cough from the car next to us. I took a deep breath, broke the kiss with Emmett, and looked over.

Bella fucking Swan.

“Got a problem?” I hissed to her.

Emmett wrapped his arms around my waist, trying to prevent me from attacking her. Unfortunately for her, Edward was with Carlisle today helping him with something.

“You shouldn’t be so…provocative. I mean, you will probably cause Emmett to do something…bad.” She said in her annoying voice.

An eyebrow of mine rose.

“Is that any of your business?”

“Yes. You are acting like a total hoe, and you are ruining the family reputation”

I fought to get out of Emmett’s arms, and I tried to lung at her.

“Cant you just fucking mind your own business?” I growled, and finally gave up fighting Emmett.

“No.” She scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

“Hold me back Em. I will kick her ass.” I snarled quietly to him.

He let out a booming laugh and many people looked over at him.

“What have I been doing for the past five minutes?”

“Good job.” I looked at him and smiled. My anger was pretty much gone. I gave him a light kiss goodbye.

I went into my first class, and then the rest of the day went normally. Until the passing period after 5th hour.

“Whore.” Jessica Stanley, one of Bella’s followers, hissed to me.

I bit my lip, and clenched my fist to stop myself from beating the living shit out of her.

After she had passed, I threw my fist into the closest thing next to me, which was a locker. A freshman looked at me in fear, and I growled at him.

I would have laughed at this scene if I wasn’t so pissed.

I reached my locker, threw my bag in, and then walked out of school. There was absolutely no way that I was going to be able to not get into a fight.

I was power walking my way throughout the town, grumbling. Suddenly I was knocked to the ground, and I let out a groan.

I heard a laugh, and then I looked up.

Standing before me was a tall pretty girl with redish brown hair.

“Oops, my bad.” She smiled, and held out a hand for me to take. I took it, and stood up.

“Its fine, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I said, brushing off the dirt from my sore butt.

“I was the one running, so let me take the blame.” She grinned, so I just nodded.

“I’m Guilianna. Call me whatever.” I laughed.

“I’m Mykah Odelle Donelly. Don’t forget it.” She winked, and I grinned.

This old lady walked past us, and yelled, “You crazy teenage hooligans get out of the street!” she looked like she was about to have a heart attack from anger.

I was about to say something, but Mykah beat me to the point.

“Go get in your rocker you old bat!” I laughed at what she said.

The old lady still glared at us, and Mykah did something that got rid of her in an instant.

“Woof. Woof!” She ran after the old woman, and was barking loudly. I burst out into laughter when the old woman screamed and tried to run off.

Mykah came back over to me, and I smiled, “I think we are going to be very good friends.”

“Oh I agree!”

“Good.” I nodded, and then thought of something, “Dude, I’m hungry. Let’s go get food.”

She nodded, “Ice cream?”

I pumped my fist in excitement, “Hell yes!”

Mykah grinned, “This is the start of a beautiful friendship.”

I smirked and nodded, “Definitely!”

When we were walking to the diner, I looked across the street, and I could have sworn on my life, I saw Alyssa walking.

I felt a pang in my heart, and bit my lip.

It couldn’t have been her.

It’s impossible…

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87 Readers. 19 Subscribers. 12 Comments. Thank you guys <3 I'll have another update up in a while, because I got amazing comments. :)