Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

I'm Losing Hope In My Fading Dreams.

Chapter Nine

“What did you do this time?” Carlisle asked, while I was in the hospital.

I grinned sheepishly, “Nothing…”

“Guilia.” He said, with a fatherly tone.

I groaned, “Okay, okay, okay. So… Bella attempted to push me. And I stop her, and I punched her in the face. Obviously, Edward wasn’t too happy about that, so he growled, and started yelling at me. I think I called him a ‘fairy that shoots glitter out of his ass’ and then I punched him too. Hence, the broken hand.” I explained.

It has been 3 months since Bella has started that whole tirade of calling me names, because me and Emmett are together. I’ve been putting up with her since, since the parking lot incident.

Carlisle shook his head, yet put my hand in a cast nonetheless.

“You should be more careful. Emmett is out waiting for you.” He shooed me off once I was finished.

“Thank you!” I sang to him, and skipped off to find my lover.

“Giana.” Emmett grinned, once he saw me.

I giggled, “Hey there, love muffin.” Emmett raised his eye brow at my nick name, and I just shrugged.

Emmett quoted me, “So Edward is a “fairy that shoots glitter out of his ass”?” The grin on his face was evident from a mile away.

I grumbled, “Him and his stupid hard face. Broke my fricken hand.” Emmett let out a booming laugh, and it warmed my heart.

“I love you.” Emmett said, kissing me softly.

“I love you too.”

That’s another thing that changed. I have been dating Emmett for four months. And I know that I am in love with him. I always felt that little resistance, but I don’t know why.

And for some reason, I always thought about Paul… Edward didn't like that.

Bella and Edward have made it their job to split Emmett and myself apart.


Emmett helped me in his Jeep, and we drove to my house. My parents weren’t home, still.

“Don’t you think it’s a little weird, that my parents are on a four month business trip?” I asked to Emmett quietly.

He shrugged, “Yes, but where else would they be? And you said that they leave you money every week, and a note, saying sorry again.”

“I did, but I don’t know… It just seems weird…”

“Don’t worry babe. It’s fine.” He kissed my forehead, and then pulled into my driveway. I jumped out, and then was attacked.

“Gina!” I heard my best friend call to me once she let go.

I let out a laughed, “Ollie!” It was Mykah that hugged me, but I gave her a nickname from her middle name Odelle. It was always either Ollie, or Odie. It depends.

“Did you get a punch in for me?” She grinned.

“Fairy butt got in the way.” I grumbled, and showed her my hand in a cast.

“Nice!” She gave me a high five with my other hand. And I just chuckled.

“Babe, I have to get going. We’re going on a hunting trip.” Emmett gave me a long kiss goodbye, and I smiled.

“Be careful.” He nodded, and got in his truck.

“I always am.”

Right before he pulled away I yelled his name, “Emmett!”

He stopped his truck, “Yeah?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too Guilianna.”

I smiled like an idiot as he drove away.

“You’re a freak.” Mykah rolled her eyes.

I let out a happy sigh, “Don’t I know it.”

“Let’s go. Flounder is probably hungry.”

I laughed a little, and followed her to her house. We went inside, and Flounder pounced on me.

Mykah lived alone in this house, with her puppy Flounder. He was the cutest little animal I had ever seen in my life. Mykah was 18 years old, so she didn't need to live with her parents anymore.

“I’m going to go get him some food. Be right back.” My best friend sang, and then danced off to her kitchen, and I smiled.

I felt my phone vibrate, and I got it out to look at the text I had just received.

From: Paul

Guilianna, please. I miss you. I need you here, and I need you in my life. I’ll call again later, just talk to me please!

I bit my lip, and clicked a button.

Do you want to delete?


I felt horrible.

“Ollie!” I yelled into the house.

“Yeah?” She screamed back.

“I’m going to go outside for a bit! Don’t worry about me!” I hollered and then exited the house before she could say anything.

Right on time, Paul called.

I decided to answer.

“You need to stop calling me Paul.” I said.

“I cant… I just need to see you. Please.”

I started walking and said, “I’m dating Emmett. I cant see you.” I said quietly, and I could hear him take a sharp intake of breath.

“Please, just give me a chance. I never beg like this, but you’ve done something to my heart. Please, just don’t turn me down without giving me a chance.” He sounded sad.

I felt like crying, “I’m sorry Paul…”

“Wait.. no!” He tried to keep me on the phone, but I quickly clicked ‘End.’ And stopped our conversation.

I put my phone in my pocket, and ignored the vibrations that followed.

I sighed, and kept walking.

Mykah lived kind of in the middle of nowhere, and I was surrounded by the woods, by no around La Push. I was still by a road though.

It was silent. All around me, no noise, there was no birds, no children laughing, no trucks passing by.

Dead silence.

Suddenly, a loud branch snapping was heard from across the road.

There before my very eyes was Alyssa VanPetersom.

“You havent forgotten about me Giana, have you?” Her voice had changed into this sickly sweet melodic tune.

I took in a deep breath, and my voice didn't work.

Suddenly, she was right in front of me. Just as fast as Emmett could appear. Her red eyes burned into my soul.

I started running, but she called out to me, and I stopped.

“Don’t worry Giana, dear. I won’t hurt you now. But don’t ever forget; I’m coming for you.”

She kissed me on the lips quickly, and I lost my breath. I felt my body churn, and it was almost as if I was loosing all the blood in my body.

And then she was gone.

Almost like a dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
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