Status: Welcome To Yonder where we aim for regular weekly updates EVERY Friday and/or Monday (fingers crossed).

To Yonder

Chapter Twenty

In Repair
“Too many shadows in my room
Too many hours in this midnight
Too many corners in my mind
So much to do to set my heart right”
- John Mayer

“Do ya s’pose somethin’ is wrong with’em?” Murmurs echoed around the deck as men tried to piece together the mysterious disappearance of their beloved leader, “Ain’t seen the Capt’n fer days now.”

“Maybe he’s been struck with a bad case of the plague. I hear it ain’t no good.”

“Or maybe he fell overboard in the middle of the night…” The pirate ran over to the side of the ship and frantically searched the open sea. If that were the case, the Captain could be washed up on some foreign shore never to be seen again.

“Maybe it was the kraken! Or sirens!” More whispers circulated around deck.

“Ye think?” Had anyone ever seen an actual kraken…?

The crew continued to speculate. There were so many possibilities, some more probable than others, “Perhaps he’s makin’ some of those fancy plans.”

“Ya know, I wouldn’t mind makin’ a stop. It’s been quite a long time since me legs have hit the sand and me eyes have feasted a beauty. Ye hear? The land be callin’ me name.”

“Aye, aye!”

The Quartermaster surveyed the men in silence and slight awe. The men worked as one like a well-oiled machine… so long as he put it all together. Unfortunately, there were no instructions included. Will didn’t know what to say or do; this was Tanek’s job. Will continued to overlook the crew and silently prayed that Tanek would make an appearance tonight.

Would the infamous Pirate Captain be gracing them with his presence?

Will didn’t hold his breath. Once again, the Captain had managed to lock himself in his room for reasons unknown to the crew, which automatically left Will in charge. Unfortunately, Will didn’t have the slightest clue as to how to diffuse the situation.

This wasn’t the first time Tanek had gone off the grid and it probably wasn’t the last either. Will hated when this happened. Being in charge was not one of his strong suits. Even with Toothy to try and lend a helping hand, the two of them still couldn’t manage to fill Tanek’s enormous shoes. Will was a Quartermaster, not a Captain.

He was not a leader but rather a follower… in the best sense of the word.

There were reasons he was second in command – all the perks without the stress and responsibility of being Captain. No matter how many times Will joked that he would make a finer captain than Tanek, he never actually believed any of that rubbish. He hoped nobody else believed it either. He almost laughed aloud; Will would be an awful captain. The crew could kiss their lives goodbye. They would all be swimming with the fishes twenty leagues below if left under the Quartermaster’s eye.

So… when was Tanek coming back?

Will was one who lived to enjoy life, and that’s all he wanted to do. He directed his gaze over to where Nelly was standing. He was only given seconds to admire her beauty before his eyes reluctantly followed the path her gaze was directed in. He exhaled slowly looking at where Nelly’s friend was sitting slumped over looking at nothing in particular. She stared at one spot yet her eyes didn’t seem to focus on anything. Will internally groaned. He couldn’t just leave her there… could he? He was extremely tempted.

This definitely wasn’t in his job description. What would Tanek do?

Then he thought about it. There was enough doom and gloom exuding from Tanek’s chamber. This ship couldn’t possibly handle any more of it. Will wondered whether or not could all this negativity somehow sink the ship? No… could it? Will was a fairly superstitious man. Maybe he should go over there. You know, just in case.

Will had made his first step in her direction when he heard a familiar sound; it was almost like music to his ears. Will’s head snapped toward the stairs so quickly, he almost gave himself whiplash. He didn’t really care though, he could sing and rejoice. Maybe even do a little jig if nobody was looking. No longer was the weight of the world on his shoulders. Finally, he could breath freely without the fear that everything might turn to shit if he did.

He was here.

Will could have kissed Tanek’s feet and the ground he walk on. Tanek’s dark hair had never before seemed so lustrous and his eyes were never so blue. The sun seemed to shine through the Captain’s windswept hair in a godly way. Will could hardly remember a time when he had been so happy to see Tanek. He grinned; he had practically forgotten what his best friend even looked like! Will quickly thanked the heavens for his prayers had been answered.

Will bounded over to his best friend and clapped him on the back. He had never been so happy to see Tanek. Well, unless you count that one time in that one place with that one guy with that one thing… never mind that. Will never wanted to relive through those chilling memories. What was important was the here and now. Full sail, Tanek had finally arrived!

Will said a few words to his friend before he found himself being pushed aside by the flood of men now surrounding the Captain. Will couldn’t complain though, he had felt just as unsure and abandoned by Tanek’s absence. Will stood near a support beam and leaned back admiring the scene before him. This is how it was supposed to be, joyous every hour of every day. They were pirates for god’s sake.

“The Capt'n has returned!” Roared loudly from Toothy.

“Hear, hear!”

Will was able to watch the scene for a few more moments until a peculiar twinge occurred in his stomach. It slowly persisted and grew, that was when the gnawing feeling began. Why couldn’t he just let it go? His gaze casted over to the corner of the room where she still sat. Will sighed once more, this one audible. Obviously, not everyone was overjoyed with Tanek’s return. Did he really have to do this?

He just couldn’t shake it.

Will took one last look at his happy crewmates before making his way over. Whoever had said he wasn’t a gentleman could eat their words. In his eyes, he was the most chivalrous person to ever walk the earth. He was practically a prince in disguise.

He walked over to her slowly thinking through his thoughts. Was there a way he could be sensitive yet manly? Was that possible? When was the last time he had even knowingly spoken to a woman other than Nelly? Screw it; thought Will, he was pure sex appeal. There was no way she could possibly resist his charm. He would have her forgetting ever little worry in her pretty little head in no time.

“Do you enjoy being by yourself?” Her eyes snapped toward him. Perhaps that wasn’t the best conversation opener. Will shrugged; he couldn’t take it back now. It had already come out of his mouth. Instead, he continued to press her with his eyes.

She continued to stare at him. Never before had Will noticed how blue her eyes were… or how chilly. Unlike Tanek’s transparent eyes, hers were a brighter hue, “I do not think it is a matter of enjoyment nor is it any of your concern.”

Will was taken aback. He only had good intentions yet here he was taking a beating for trying to be nice. He understood he could have chosen different words to engage her, but that was just harsh. What had he done to deserve this? He had absolutely no idea. When had she become so aggressive? Maybe it was a woman thing. Lucky for her, Will didn’t back down that easily. He was determined to be her knight in shining armor even if only for a fleeting moment.

“I’d say you looked pretty pitiful from over there,” Will shrugged as she sent a pointed glare in his direction. He even pointed for the added effect, “Just saying. I figured you could use an ear... or a friend… perhaps both?”

“We could all use a lot of things,” Will had to give her that one, “Is that not what separates those from who have and those who do not? Royalty and commoners… maybe even pirates…?”

They sat quietly for a few moments as Will thought about what she had said. Sure, everyone had their own set of needs and desires, but when you broke it down it was all the same fundamentally. Everyone needed the same simplicities of life and then there were wants… beauty, renown, and riches…

Will was about to mention his thoughts when he noticed Tanek discretely observing the two of them from afar. Tanek continued to talk to the men, but would cast a glance over every once in a while forgetting the art of subtlety. Will wondered if Tanek knew he had been caught sneaking glances and didn’t care choosing to continue.

Will watched intently as he noticed Tanek’s gaze slide to the woman and disregard himself completely. Sure she may be better looking, but he wasn’t a complete eyesore. Curiously Will watched as Tanek made eye contact with her. She seemed to narrow her gaze shooting daggers at him, a raging battle ensued between the two of them. She was the first to turn away, “As I was saying…”

Suddenly, Will understood the situation. Not the entire thing, but enough for him to know he didn’t want to get involved. He looked over at Nelly before returning his gaze to the woman in front of him. Will saw the look and knew the emotion well.

If he had been left in charge because of this nonsense Will may just possibly have a stomping tantrum around deck. He deserved it.

“You know… there is a difference…” Will stood up ready to walk away, but added, “It’s not all about wanting things, it’s about appreciating what we’re given… especially when we aren’t aware of what we have. If you’ll excuse me.”

Will was at a loss for words. He knew Tanek wasn’t one to fall in love, and all women really wanted was a pretty ring on their pretty little finger. Surely such a relationship wouldn’t work out between the two. Though the thought was quite amusing. Will tried to imagine his best friend leg shackled.

Never say never.

With Tanek one never really knew. He was unpredictable. The man always seemed to land himself in the most ridiculous of situations and escape unscathed. Sadly, Will commonly found himself stuck amongst the aftermath expected to pick up the pieces and clean up the mess. There was a flash of the future before him.

There was no way he was being left in charge again. Will would rather jump overboard than be responsible.

Before leaving the woman’s side, Will took one final look at the Captain from where she sat. He looked magnificent amongst the men, right where he belonged. Will gave her one last nod and a soft smile trying to lighten the mood, and then walked away towards his best friend. He had some work to do.

As he stood next to Tanek he thought to himself making a mental note to speak to Nelly later. Standing from Tanek’s spot he saw the woman sitting alone across the room in a different light, and knew it definitely was more than just something simple. Something had to be done. Will groaned once more hating the responsibility he had just taken upon himself.

Seriously, he was such a prince.


Tanek felt out of place.

He felt ridiculous as well. Amongst his own crew he didn’t even feel comfortable. Nothing had changed, yet he felt so different. This was his family and he felt like an outsider. How had that happened?

Tanek knew the answer. He knew the answer, but was in no way ready to acknowledge that fact that there was a problem. He sighed. The men were gracious for his return and he shouldn’t be thinking of anything else. It was his duty to put the wellbeing and happiness of the crew before his own.

He would also have to remember to give Will a big thanking for stepping it. Tanek and Will both knew it came with the duty of their titles, but it didn’t make either one of them particularly happy about situations like this one.

It was just the way the coin flipped and the winds blew.

Everything seemed bleak in the cabin. He felt strange. There were people rejoicing just because he had left his bedchambers. Guilt, had he let them down? Had he deserved such a warm welcome back? He wasn’t sure why, but he suddenly began to think of his Mother. What would she think of her son and the life he led?

Tanek’s mother had never been judgmental… far from it. She was beautiful, elegant, pristine… she was a rose without thorns… that never withered. He thought of the life he used to have… where would he be if he had stayed? He would be a completely different – perhaps a little bit more well mannered and possibly an ounce more intelligent. Definitely less confidant than he currently was…

Surprisingly, that air of self-entitlement came straight from his Father rather than his Mother. For all those on the seas knew Tanek’s name and what kind of command he had. He was his Father’s son and therefore pirate royalty.

He laughed to himself. For a person so well known on the open seas those on land hardly knew anything about him. He had seen their bounty posters and had been highly amused. Not only had the intel on him been lacking but the picture looked nothing like him. Well, unless you closed your eyes and then looked at it.

Those who crossed Tanek didn’t know him because of a stupid poster, they knew him from the feeling they got in the pit of their stomach when in his presence. There was no denying the force Tanek could exert over others.

Sometimes not knowing was the ultimate root of fear.

He knew that well. He had paced his room keeping a weary eye on the wooden door dreading what was sheltered on the other side. He had opened the door cautiously and the first thing he saw was her. She sat alone in the corner with her back facing him. She was probably the only person in the room who didn’t spare him a single glance. As much as he hated to admit it, everything she did mattered to him. All her movements, everything, were magnified to him. She affected him more than he was willing to accept. What had come of him?

He didn’t have much to time to dwell on that thought though. In a matter of seconds he was the world’s most popular man. Everyone swarmed him. Questions were coming at him from every angle. Too many. They blurred together and not one of them sounded comprehensible to him. His mind was fuzzy.

Cooped up in his room, Tanek had been gifted way too much time to just sit with his thoughts. He reevaluated his life and his goals. No longer did the Captain have the Princess to fall back on. He just had an unknown amount of time until the crown came chasing after him and his crew trying to blow them out of the water. He should be enjoying what time he did have; yet he couldn’t seem to bring himself to do that.

He was drowning in sound when he felt someone save him. He looked over and saw that Will had planted a firm grip on his shoulder pulling him back to safety. Tanek nodded in acknowledgement to his friend. Will whispered to him quietly before he melted back into the masses, “Welcome back Captain.”

Welcome back… what a strange concept.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to Kailixx

So... would you believe me if I said this has been completed and was supposed to be uploaded on New Years...? Happy New Years...!?! Well, I hope your new year has been going well thus far.

In other news, we've made it to the twenties. No longer an apathetic teenager, this story has become a real young adult. And it's almost like it was yesterday... ahaha. I've written a few more chapters and it's supposed to be a blizzard tomorrow so hopefully that'll give me some time to sort the storyline out some more.

Also, I've always liked Will's character, but I've grown increasingly fond of him. As for Toothy, I feel bad for cutting his part so much... we'll be seeing a little bit more of both Will and Toothy in the not so distant future.

Otherwise, I haven't proofread this so I don't take responsibility. I'm also back in school and already slowly dying. When's spring break? Nonetheless, hope you enjoyed!

Stay warm, keep all your fingers and toes!