Status: Welcome To Yonder where we aim for regular weekly updates EVERY Friday and/or Monday (fingers crossed).

To Yonder

Chapter Seven

We Apologize For Nothing
“Lets celebrate this change in turning tides
This revolution won’t be televised”
- Fightstar

There was something about the new recruit. Tanek didn’t know exactly what it was, but somewhere along the line he had found a surprising amount of respect for Alec. At first Tanek had wanted to wring Alec’s neck, but upon further action the boy had really come through for him. Tanek still questioned where he’d come from, but none of that mattered anymore, Tanek trusted Alec regardless. He was literally a saving grace – a lighthouse in the distance during stormy weather.

“Captain! We were able to successfully avoid all imperial ships!” Yes, Alec had truly outdone himself. The Captain was unsure of how Alec was able to correctly predict the route the royal fleet would take, yet it was something good and a smart man knew never to question anything good – it would seem ungrateful.

Tanek walked along the perimeter of the deck surveying the open seas – not a royal ship in sight, a beautiful sight to behold. The waster was a beautiful blue and crystal clear. The Captain loved the ocean with every fiber of his being. It could be calm or poignant while then moments later, relentless, much like Tanek’s own personality.

“I can’t help but be curious,” Tanek had heard footsteps and soon felt Will’s presence besides him. His best friend stood next to him shoulder to shoulder slightly touching depending on which way the ship rocked. “I can’t believe it. It’s just… It’s unbelievable. You can’t help but be curious as well. Who have we welcomed onto our ship?”

“We should not question good fortune,” Tanek said putting a stop to his quartermaster’s thoughts even if Tanek himself was just as curious as his first mate.

“I agree... but… don’t you feel as if something is off about the new crew mates? They seem to be… I can’t even explain it.” Will had been observing the two men very closely. He tried to look for any subtle clues that would give them away. They were smaller than the average man, but still did their fair share of work. They also seemed to keep to themselves, but then again, they hadn’t been here long. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary that could be substantiated with evidence yet he still questioned their intentions, “I just say we keep an eye out. Be on the lookout for any strange activity. Eventually the good luck will run out and we’ll have to face whatever may be.”

“We shall roll with the waves and take the hard hits as they come. We are still afloat as of now, yet I see what you are saying. You and I will keep an eye out. Leave everyone else out of it, we do not need to ruin our lucky streak prematurely,” Will’s persuasion was slowly getting Tanek to agree with him. “That reminds me, I need to have a word with Alec.”

Truth was, Tanek was extremely curious. He didn’t know much about the new boy other than the fact that he’d sailed on a royal ship. He seemed to be young enough, which was evident by his higher voice. Speaking of his voice, Alec seemed to have no trouble when voicing his own opinion… voicing his opinion… there was no way Alec was from some average family. He seemed too educated and too disobedient.

Tanek laugh inwardly. Alec reminded himself of well, himself. Alec, like Tanek, had a spitfire personality and showed every aspect of a fine leader. Perhaps Tanek would groom Alec as an apprentice and bring him through the ranks. There was no doubt in Tanek’s mind that Alec could one day run a thriving ship of his own.

Tanek thought about his own upbringing – so different than where he was now. That’s the thing about life; it takes unexpected twists and turns. As a young boy he had been destined for wealth and prestige. Now as a man he had procured wealth and well, his name was one that was known by all. Perhaps Alec too had also found himself on an alternate path – the two of them could even have more in common than what met the eye.

Tanek walked down below deck and saw the second new recruit at work slaving over the stove. Daniel, the boy who had arrived with Alec, seemed to possess an opposing personality. He was good at taking orders and staying quiet – the kind of man who would do good in the world for himself because he was efficient and hardworking but at the same time would never reach his full potential because he couldn’t speak for himself.

Tanek approached slowly careful not to scare the meek looking boy, “Daniel, how have you been lad?”

Regardless of his effort, Daniel still seemed to be shaken just from hearing Tanek’s voice. Daniel’s body grew rigid before turning toward Tanek slowly, “Yes…? What c-c-can I do for you sir? I mean C-C-Captain…”

“I wanted to know how you have been faring. Please let me know immediately if there is anything of service I can do for you,” Tanek said genuinely. He did want his crew to be comfortable aboard his ship. They were after all family, and family takes care of one another.

“Everything has been just fine. The Prin- I mean Alec-“ Tanek watched the ruffled boy skeptically. Unless his ears had deceived him, Tanek was sure Daniel was about to make reference to the Princess. Maybe Will had been right, this was all too good to be true.

In the blink of an eye Tanek’s mood changed drastically. His overpowering, leader side was beginning to rear it’s ugly head. He took a step closer to Daniel but then minded himself to be diplomatic. Daniel had not done anything wrong yet and if Tanek were to receive answers he’d have to be cordial.

“What about the Princess?” Perhaps both Alec and Daniel had vital information about the prestigious, royal family. Had Tanek been led astray all this time? Was he really that much of a fool?

Nelly gulped, she had to think fast or Tanek would surely throw her and Alessia overboard without a second thought. She quickly pieced together a story and made a mental note to talk to Alessia as soon as possible. “You see poor Alec… he’s had this thing for the Princess… forever. Everybody knows he would never have a chance, but he keeps thinking something is going to happen one day. After he heard the Princess went missing he got very worried. It’s all quite stupid if you ask me.”

Tanek thought about the story. Alec’s infatuation with the Princess could be the source of his extensive knowledge. Perhaps he’d spent a lot of time snooping around. It was quite plausible. But then he stopped. Anyone hearing this would think Tanek an idiot for believing Daniel’s story for even a second.

Tanek looked at Daniel once more. From the top of his head to the tips of his toes Tanek knew Daniel was lying. The Captain had always been a good judge of character and knew when he was being deceived… that and the fact that Daniel was an absolutely horrible liar. Should he call Daniel out for it? No. Tanek would notify Will and just be a tad more suspicious. As of now, the luck was still running, Tanek didn’t need to interfere, he would get his answers soon enough. He always did.

“Very well then,” Tanek said suddenly loosing interest in the matter, which unnerved Nelly immensely. Was he on to her? She would have to notify the Princess immediately, “Speaking of Alec, I was just on my way to find him, have you seen him recently?”

Daniel paled instantly and seemed hesitant to answer, “No sir, I haven’t.”

Tanek was absolutely sure now. The two of them were hiding something. Will would have to be consulted before action was taken.

“I shall check on deck then,” Tanek turned away and already walking and added, “Have a good day, keep up the good work.”

Tanek walked back up to deck welcoming the warm sun that caressed his face. The scent of salt in the air instantly calmed the Captain and he felt his muscles instantly relax. The wind swept through his hair as he looked around. Far off to the side sat Alec looking out at the sea. How should he broach the situation? Guns blazing or keep the newfound information to himself until it was beneficial for him to let his knowledge be known.

Tanek waited for a second and observed the boy. He seemed to be deep in thought, great; Tanek felt the sudden urge to interrupt. He made his way over quietly. He would have to make sure to ask about the princess infatuation, he hadn’t had a good laugh in quite some time and if he was going to be played he was going to spit right back out. If his Father had taught him anything it was to always keep them on their toes… that and to get a free drink out of it – always leave with more than what you came with.

“Alec,” Tanek noticed the boy in front of him jump, Tanek smirked. The effect his presence had on people was humorous. Was he really that terrifying in the everyday situation?

“Yes… Captain…?” Yes, Tanek really was quite terrifying at times. Tanek loved when people responded in such ways. With Alec it was especially gratifying, he seemed to get so flustered in Tanek’s presence. Good, if he was going to withhold information Tanek might as well make the poor boy practically wet himself from time to time.

“Oh, nothing…” But then again, Tanek could always ask later, “Princess.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully you had a lovely Fourth whether it be spending time with family, shopping, or just relaxing! It rained here thanks to Arthur so here's to your weather being a little less temperamental and sunny days ahead(: