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To Yonder

Chapter Eight

Until The Stars Fall From The Sky
“But if you love me honey
Everything is okay
The world is ours and we’ll never be found”
- Mark Hoppus & Richard Gibbs

Alessia stiffened immediately. What had he just said? Had she heard him correctly? What should she say? Should she say anything? How could Tanek even know? There were a million and one questions hurtling in and out of Alessia’s mind within the span of seconds. This was all too much; she was going to faint at any second and then her cover would definitely be blown. Men didn’t faint, did they? It was happening. Oh god.

To say Tanek unnerved Alessia was an understatement. Tanek made Alessia quiver in her oversized breeches; she practically drowned in his presence – or maybe she was suffocating. Was it possible to do both all at once? He’d simply said the name Alec and she was uncontrollably shaking in her spot. Lord, it wasn’t even her name!

Make it stop.

Alessia tried to calm her breathing as Tanek took the spot next to her. Maybe if she were somehow able to miraculously compose herself the Captain wouldn’t even notice anything strange about her demeanor. While a good plan in essence, it was easier said than done. The world was spinning off its axis and instead of coming slowly to a stop it was uncontrollable, unpredictable, and unrelenting.

Tanek leaned against the ship’s railing, the wind swept through his hair. He hadn’t looked at her once, instead just chose to talk; it unnerved her even more, “So tell me about the Princess…” There was that blasted P-word again!

Alessia was completely caught of guard. How had he found out… or not? First he was calling her Princess and now he was asking about her? Was this some kind of voodoo magic mind trick that pirates used on the unsuspecting to get information? She didn’t like it one bit. Maybe Tanek had ingested too much sea water and had finally lost his mind…

Alessia would have to be precise and choose her words carefully. Maybe she could tiptoe around all this Princess business altogether. She and Nelly would surely be drowned in the middle of the ocean if Tanek ever found out the truth. How could she manage to talk herself out of this one? Thinking fast, Alessia began stringing excuses together. What could possibly sound good when in a position so unbelievably extreme? Even to her own ears the truth was starting to sound more and more like a fabricated story.

Tanek snuck a glance at the boy sitting beside him. Alec had grown pale in complexion and looked like he was having trouble swallowing. He had truly found out something grand from Daniel and now Alec was confirming all his suspicions. Tanek would trade treasure to know the secret that evoked such a reaction. Something that had to do with the Princess, to the Captain it was worth piles of gold, absolutely priceless.

Alessia on the other hand was about ready to drop dead in her spot. If Tanek wasn’t going to spare her she might as well die right here and now. Quickly, Alessia looked at Tanek’s face before adverting her eyes as fast as possible. She looked guilty, like a kid caught sneaking cookies from the cookie jar – she could feel it plastered on her face. She thought Tanek hadn’t seen until she heard the most unusual thing. It was deep and loud, yet sincere and joyful.

Tanek was laughing. He was actually laughing.

It clicked into place all at once, not only was he laughing, he was laughing at her! How absurd! Alessia suddenly regained her confidence unembarrassed by her previous demeanor. What was he laughing about? It didn’t sound vindictive or conniving, rather jocular. Had he heard something she had not?

“What do you think you’re talking about?” Alessia asked him narrowing her eyes as her spitfire personality began to make its appearance. She was slowly coming to realize that all her worrying had been for nothing. This was all a joke to the fearsome Pirate King – Alessia started mentally plotting her plan to get back at him.

“Whatever this petty little obsession with the Princess you and Daniel have,” Tanek had calmed down considerably but still possessed a slight smile. The upper left corner of his mouth was raised if you looked close enough, other than that, nobody would have ever believed this was the man who had been laughing moments before, “I find it to be quite comical.”

Tanek made a mental decision, he would remain lighthearted until the clouds rolled in and forced him to pull his sails up. If and when the time came to that, he would take action without even thinking twice. He had men to protect and a reputation to live up to… to continue to build. But for now, he was ready to be entertained and Alec was the perfect person to fill the position, his new role? Official ship jester would work perfectly.

“My…” It must’ve been Nelly’s doing – she obviously couldn’t keep a secret if her life depended on it. Alessia inwardly smirked; two could play at this game, “Of course. Who wouldn’t? To be graced with her presence… You could only imagine.”

Tanek always surprised Alessia. Somehow he always managed to catch her off guard and do the exact opposite of what would be expected. Hoping she’d get a rise from him, he simply nodded instead, “Imagine me, in front of the Princess? Surely I’d make a fool out of myself. I’ve heard her to be quite beautiful….”

Who had he heard that from?

Alessia’s heart fluttered in her chest. Unknowingly, Tanek had definitely made an allusion to her in a roundabout way and used the word beautiful, all in the same sentence! She knew she had been blessed with looks, and many other men had called her beautiful to her face, but there something about the way Tanek said it. He’d never seen her yet he seemed so honest when referring to her alleged vanity.

“Now if I were to be completely honest I’d even admit I might have a slight inclination for this certain Princess – with a will as strong as a storm, eyes sparkling like the sea… and a laugh light as the wind… she seems like someone worthy of admiration… I could be in love,” Alessia could feel her heart pounding in her chest until his deep voice continued with a rumble, “But that could be a lie as well.”

Classic Tanek. He had the special ability to build her up and knock her down all at the same time.

Tanek could inflate Alessia like a balloon, she’d soar high above, and seconds later he’d pull out a slingshot and aim right for her core, subsequently popping her and sending her hurtling straight back down to Earth. She displayed a dour expression; Alessia knew what she must look like to the pirate standing before her.

“Maybe one day I will build up enough stupidity to go off and kidnap her. Take her as my wife or something, could you imagine? The Pirate and the Princess. Sounds like some kind of horribly cliché romance novel, don’t you think?” Tanek looked over at his new comrade and saw the determination burning in the boys eyes, “Do not get yourself too worked up mate, she is all yours, I promise. Besides, I try not to be in the habit of kidnapping women, much less royal ones, against their will no matter how I may come off at times. To think, Tanek the Pirate Brute and Alessandria Princess of Arcadia… I humor myself.”

His eyes were playful. For once he looked relaxed and carefree. She took a moment to take it all in. Alessia wished he could always be like this. He genuinely seemed happy and that simple fact made her heart swell. He really was beautiful.

That sparked other thoughts. He was too gorgeous for his own good. Why was he a pirate? A man with a title would suit him so much better. They could’ve been something more… in another life of course… But then again, he would no longer be the Tanek Alessia had come to revere. In another life…

Tanek stood upright and suddenly it was all gone. Alessia’s eyes following his body’s movements – he seemed to be tense once again.

“Well, I suppose there’s work that should be getting done right about now…” Tanek stretched his arms high above his head. His biceps were delicious, “I suppose that also involves me tending to it. God only knows that leaving dear William in charge just equates to nothing getting done around here.”

Tanek paused and then looked up observing the sails as if he were looking something, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the fool was up there somewhere swinging through the masts…” He stopped for a moment to think and then frowned, “These idiots will be even stupider tonight. It’s the full moon.”

Alessia opened her mouth to speak, to say anything, but her brain was still focused on tracing the masculine curves of each muscle that contracted on his body. Why must she feel this way about him…? Why… oh hell… Alessia was surely in trouble. Not the life or death kind of danger… the other kind where your heart feels like it could burst out of your chest at any given moment. With the sudden realization dawning on her, she knew from that moment on that she was unquestionably doomed.

Her innocent feelings were no longer platonic… they probably never were, Alessia just hadn’t taken the time to acknowledge her emotions. There was only one way to think about Tanek, as the man he truly was. That brought on another, quite troublesome revelation. Tanek may be a man, but technically, so was she.
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Bonne fête -- Or for everyone else, Happy Bastille Day!
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And let it be plentiful.