Sequel: sunset valley volume2

sunset valley volume1


"Dear diary, I hate the idea of moving, but I have no choice now. California to Wyoming was a pretty big deal. My mom just divorced my dad and now she's taking us away from his hospitable presence. That's what my mom says. Right now we're on a plane ride for a one-way ticket to a little town off of Cheyenne called Sunset Valley. It's extremely small from what I'm used to, but I gotta live with it now. I made sure I prepared for meeting new people and getting used to having no big stripping malls and spas at every corner. I jut had this feeling deep down that my life was going to terribly change..."
Michela stopped writting and reread her entry, bitting at the words that she last wrote. She kept repeating the last line in her billions of times until her mind had been fighting in millions of directions so hard that her head pounded heavily. She looked over to her mother sitting next to her in the crowed airplane seats. Her mom was silently reading Pride and Prejudice, eventhough she had read it trillions of times in her life. She could be cooking and she would read the book as if it were her bible as the food she was cooking burnt to a crisp. She switched her attention back to her diary trying to figure out what she was going to write. Nothing came to her mind so she just closed it and settled in her seat. Soon enough, the women who announced their departure was on the intercom telling the passengers to get ready to land in Wyoming. She sounded so tired that she might have rubbed it on Michela enough to start getting her tired. She suddenly yawned and awaited for the plane to land.

Deep in the forest of Sunset Valley, Aaron Montez stood looking at his reflexion in the lake next to him. He had been living in this small town for around 300 years and it had fatigued him so. His family was gone and nothing seemed to be worth living for, but he wanted to try to make peace with the humans before he was stupid enough to take his own life. Ight now he was hingry and in one swift, graceful movement of his hand, he had caught a tiny white dove. It's head gracefully shifted to look at Aaron as it awaited either for its doom or its savior. Unfortunatey, it was very unlucky to have been caught today. "I'm sorry...." Aaron said softly right before sticking hus long, fierce fangs into the bird's neck. A couple moments passed and Aaron had let go of the bird and placed it carefully on the forest floor for other animals to finish the circle of life. He was an animal himself and supposed that the animals had every right to eat the defenseless dove as much as he did. He washed off his face in the lake and groaned to himself. He hated his lifestyle, but he couldn't change it now. He just had to find the best reason he could to keep his life from killing the soul he once had.

Michela lie asleep, but viciously tossing and turning in her covers. She gad been getting bad nightmares ever since she had gotten the news that she was leaving California. Nothing would help her dreams get any better than they had been. They always seemed to be about some unknown boy around her age. His face was angelically carved and his eyes were a crazy brown that had a wierd golden ring around each pupil that looked beautifully unhuman. This was a different kind of dream though; his face was filled of blood and he looked so pale that he looked like a lathargic mouse or something of that sort. He was painfully screaming then-......she woke up trembling. He died, he's dead, she kept repeating to herself until the meaning of the words sunk in. She didn't understand why she was caring so much for a guy she barely knew, but except from her dreams. Soon she will figure that out if only she could figure out what the dream means to her questionable life.