Sequel: sunset valley volume2

sunset valley volume1


I's been two periods and Michela hasn't had any more luckwith Aaron. He was avoiding her as far as Michela could see. His body never moved the entire time. His attention wasn't on the lesson either though as he wasn't participating or barely even breathing. But the Michela saw his chest moving, breathing in and out air. Time felt as if it ten times slower like the speed a snail would take to walk from her seat to the other side of the room. Her heart beat faster every second; thudding and dancing within her body. Her blood stream felt like it were clogging up from waiting desperately for the bell to ring. Right as the thought ran through her head, Aaron's head was completely turned directly towards her. She noticed his eyes were black and filled with anguish, like he was trying to resist something that was unknown to her.
"Aaron?..." Michela whispered under her breathe enough that Aaron could hear her without the whole class knowing. "Aaron...?" she repeated.
"Michela..." he whisperedsowly as if he were mezmorized by her in some fasciating way.
"Are you okay Aaron?" She felt her eyes softly stare at his not knowing that a tear from her eyes escaped her grasp. Once she figured out she was crying, she didn't know why. She felt as if his anguish and sorrow was passing through them both. Michela noticed that he saw her lone tear flowing down her cheek and then his face lightened. Everyone in the class was looking at them, including the teacher, as they starred each other down. The room was completely silenced of the classroom discussions and the countless questions. Everyone kept starring at the two of them engorge their souls together and lock them away together: forever. Then Michela relized wher she was. Her minty, green eyes moved away from his hypnotizing eyes, which seemed harder to do as her heart yerned to look at him for an eternity. She felt like loving him until her life meant nothing to her anymore. Right at that moment, she knew she had fallen in love with him; his body, his soul. Everything.
Right as Mr. Edwards was about to continue teaching, the bell finally rung its melodious tune.Michela urged her way towards Aaron. Her body was shaking and so were her vocal cord with every step. His eyes met hers with a total satisfaction that brightened her smile.
"Uhh..Aaron...," she hesitated, "would" Aaron's eyes werewere making her loose her thoughts as his gaze pierced through her soul.
"Yah,...this friday, I heard there's gunna be a party." Aaron cleared his throat,"I want you to come with me"
" did houknow about my party?" Her eyes froze in time.
"Everything in this school travels fast." He grinned a crooked smile. Michela just froze within his hold of beauty. "I'll meet you's my number." He handed her a ripped piece of paper that had his name and number written on it in a nice scripted font.
"Thanks, I'll text you later." Her cheeks were yet again a deep red. She never felt anything like this before towards a boy. Her minty eyes made guys melt and her voice made their knees shake. Just the sight of her had guys talking, but this was different. She could't stand straight enough to balance her wieght. He had weakened her vocal cords enough that not even a tread could fit through it. She finally snapped out of her hallutionation that seemed to be realer every second. She walked away with her awkwardly red cheeks following her. She slowly walked towards him and he put his arm around her waist being careful not to touch her fragile skin. They both walked out of tbe classroom, Michela being over enthuaiastic about the whole situation. Her heart was beating slowly, finally, to a beat a second, but sped back up as she starred at his eyes unable to stop looking at them. She felt an electric current flow through her as his icy hand melted through her shirt or at least it felt like it was melting. She was trembling through the nervousnes of it all, barely breathing a word. They arrived at her locker and suddenly his hand fell off of her waist.
"Thanks for escorting me to my locker." Micheal smiled eventhough her eyes weren't on his.
"Sure," he said solemnly. As soon as Michela turned around, he was gone. Her eyes were mistified of his speed. He hadn't even made a sound loud enough for her to hear hom leave. She closed her locker and finished the day of torment; looking into his terrible eye of fascination.

Michela is now pulling into her driveway. She gets out of the car and smiles the whole way to the front door. She opens the white, french structured door and yells hello.
"Hey Micky, how was school?" said her mom with excitement hinged in her voice.
"Good," started Michela,"and I made some new friends too."
"Okay, that's good." Her mom said through the wall of the kitchen.
"I'll be upstairs!..." Michela yelled as she hurried up the stairs. She entered her and litterally forgot what her room looked like. Her classic white and blue walls shown and glittered along with a beautiful white crowned molding throughout her ceiling. Her dark blue drapes and her white canopy bed curtains swayed in the breeze from her opened window. She sat on the silk quilt on her bed and sighed. She looked up at her wooden frame and put her hands on it trying to find something. She pulled a loose panel off and revealed a secret self within the bed frame. On that shelf was her diary. As she took the book out, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She opened her phone after taking it out and read,"Hey M." Michela had forgttened that she texted him right after school. "Hey A, wats up?" Michela typed back and almost instantly he replied.
"Goin for a walk, wanna come?" Michela smiled, this was her chance to know him and his mysterious ways. "Sure, I'll meet you there. Where?"
"Wayside Bridge. C ya in 5. :)" he wrote back. Then another text came, but the number was blocked. She read it anyway.
"C you there with your boyfriend Michela, u'll regret it." The text was anyomonous and it was written coldly like a threat. Michela closed her phone and just ignored the fake warning to go see Aaron. She put a sweat jacket on that was a light blue with a silver trimming on it with matching sweat pants and her wedge flip-fops. As she gabbedher phone she sprayed some perfume on and closed her door. She couldnt wait to see Aaron and finally e abe to know him and know why he held her heart without even saying a word.