Sequel: sunset valley volume2

sunset valley volume1


Aaron fiercely pulled away as Michela passed out. Her eyes of sweet mint faded away underneath her eyelids. Aaron panicked as he stood there with his wide, blackened eyes hovering iver er unconscious body. Blood vwas dripping from his mouth onto the the forest floor and his fangs were stained of her angelic blood. Red satin coated her neck and ger right cheek. He qickly ran to the river and took off his shirt. He dipped it in the clear blue water and rushed back to her side. He wrapped around her neck and wiped the crimson of her cheek. She lie there with a demon vampire trying to save ger after failing to drain it. His etes are wide and terrified of what he had done.
"Come on Michela...I'm so sorry," he paused," I knew I should have stayed away from you." He put his head on hers.
"Yah you shouldn't even ve alive." A voice called in the shadows.
"How did you know where I fled to ... Damon?" Aaron protectively shielded Michela.
"Easy,.." he suddenly appeared behind him," I've been watching you and Elizabeth." He snarled a little giggle. "She's not Elizabeth Aaron."
"I know that ,.....but why are you here?"
"Just visiting you brother. I've missed seeing you fail."
"Fail!" Aaron leaped towards Damon, but missed and left Michela defenseless.
"You can't even control your hunger," he said; this time in his head. "Please save me from your pathetic attempt to win over someone who you can not win."
"You can't have'll regret it." He hovered back over to Michela.
"That's what you said last time and you ended up killing her." Damon finished then disappeared. Aaron's eyes turned black wit fury. He had a hatrid for him 310 years plus. He had been anyone's worst nighmare. Damib could never listen to the rules or even live by them. Ever since he and his ex-girlfriend broke up so many years ago, he wanted whatever Aaron wanted because Aaron was the reason they broke up in tbe first place, according to Damon. Damon never forgave Aaron: not until Aaron gets hit hard like he had. He hasn't seen Damon in years face to face. Whenever he did show up,his threats got colder and more off edge. He was very cunning with his apearances too; showing up when it was convienant enough. The death of his only other living family member was a great motive and he won't stop until the job is done. Aaron had once believed thst Damon was still human sonewhere deep in his soul, but he denied the rumor for quite some time, knowing it weren't true. No sign of compassion flies by him, so Aaron stopped hoping.
As Aaron picked her up, he noticed the two tiny wounds on her neck. They would heal, but it would take some time. He looked at her juicy, white neck and licked his lips. As he got near the car, his mouth was watering a waterfall if salavia. He thought of how goid her blood tastes and if he took one more-- 'no!' he thought. I love her; I don't want to eat her. Aaron opened the passenger car door and took off after he got in the driver's seat. He hoped all the way back to his house that he wouldn't attack her again.

Slowly, Michela's eyes reborn into the world; opening to a nightmare. She figures out she's in Aaron's car lying in the passenger seat.
"Aaron,...?" Se huffed, "what about my car?!" Michela shouted at him.
"I'll go back to get it when I drop you off at my apartment." He pulled into a little boarding house-like building. "I can walk, the bridge isn't too far from here." He parked and turned to her. "Gve me your keys..."
"Fine..." she went into her pocket and took out her keys. "Take me inside, please," she spoke as she handed them to Aaron. She turned away to open the door as Aaron got out to help her. They walked to the main door and went in. There was a flight of stairs and a couple of old pay phones in the large room. The stairs were metallic, so whenever you went up or down, they would squeek periodically. The went up four flights then to a black door on the end of the hallway; room 42. Michela looked around the small room. A burgandy dresser with a coupke pictures and a lamp dressed up the room, but very dully. There was also an old fashioned pocket knife with a golden lining around a midnight black finish. He led her to his bed that held very plain colors with plainly dressed pillows that matched the room. She sat down and saw Aaron go towards the door.
"Don't go too far..." he spoke carefully monotoned. As he opened the door she simply nodded and decided to obey his wish. The door closed and blocked the life outside from Michela. She just got up and looked around; not going too far. She found a picture on the dresser of hm. E was holding a girl; wait- She dropped it and her eyes widened. Michela the picked it back up with a hand over her mouth. She looked at itas if she were solving a hard jigsaw puzzle. Who is this and why does she look like me?, wondered Michela. She dragged her finger across the glass of the frame and noticed his face. She hadn't seen this look of total happiness get achieved on his face for the twelve hours that she had met him. His golden eyes were wide and shone over his white, ivory skin. He held onto her like her fragile life depended on it. Just then she got a text supposing it was Aaron with a car problem, but yet again, it was the unknown person who threatened her before.
"How was ur death expirience?..Get used to it." The threat made her skip a beat.
"Who are u and wat do u want?" She typed fiercely without taking one breathe of oxygen.
"U don't remember?...feel ur neck," it responded. At that, she slowly felt each side of her neck to fnd two small indents only about centemeters apart on the right side of her neck. Right when she touched it, she remembered the whole frightening scene.
"How did u know?" She awaited hesitantly to figure out this mystery.
"I know everything. Check the date on that picture."
"Why would i do that?" She taunted angrily as she texted with a maddened quickness.
"U'll be surprised..." She finally breathed againand started to remove the picture from its frame like she was unwrapping a piece of candy. Her fingers melted down the frame leaving the glass with the picture inside of it. 'Me and Elizabeth 1910' the picture read in the same cursive hand wrtting that Aaron had. "Surprise...! hehe," the person wrote back.
"Who are u?" she finally lost patience with herself as she typed back.

"Your worst nightmare; DM. Text ya later sweetheart." She closed her phone in horror thinking about Aaron and ths Elizabeth girl in 1910. Right then and there, Aaron bursted through the door of screaming, shattered secrets. His eyes followed hers to a frantic, shaking hand that held a broken secret within the picture.
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Who's this random guy..nobody