Sequel: sunset valley volume2

sunset valley volume1


It's been a full week ever since Michela met the monster that haunted her dreams; a beautiful monster. She has thought of him every moment of this week. Aaron hasn't been in school though, after everything that happened. It's a boring Thursday night and she still hasn't seen his glowing soul. She misses his ever-changing eyes and his suductively carved smile that came with it. His aura flowered hers, although it's slowly disapating every minute she's not with him. He didn't even show up at her party, so she was getting very worried. She decided to text him a quick hello and waited. She waited and waited eagerly for what seemed to be hours. Ony minutes passed and she finally got a response, but it was the uncoded number she dreaded to get any response from.
"Hey Michela. Did you miss me?" The message seered into her as read each word.
"I'd rather die tan talk 2u."
"That can be easily arranged hehe." He texted back very gravly, but jokingly.
"You don't scare me." She pondered her mind for suspects that could have wanted to do this to her.
"I don't want to scare u my dear,...just keep u aware."
"Aware of what?" Her heart really beat faster now.
"Of Aaron's other secrets,....why havn't u seen him lately?" The person obvisiously knew every thought that went through her head. She didn't how this anyomonous person knew this.
"I don't no.....why don't u tell me if ur so smart," Micehla taunted the idea to try to attempt to get something against him.
"I would,...but it would take the fun out of it. Maybe u should find out on ur own..."
She couldn't take these games anymore. She closed the phone and stuffed it in the back pocket of her jeans. She grabbed her keys off her dresser and ran to the door. Her car was started and she took off for Aaron's apartment. She dreaded the moment she was about to spend on the suspicions of a totally random person that randomly texts her; texts her exactly what she's thinking of doing. As she drove, she had to think of a solid reason of her coming. There was a fall ball for the beginning of the year celebration tomorrow; that's it. I'll tell him that, she thought. She realizes that would be a dangerous route, but she has to know the truth. She crosses Wayside Brigde and sure enough, Aaron's black mustang was parked where it was the other day when she found about his vampire routes. She pulled in quick and turned off her car before he saw her headlights. Michela got out as quietly as she could and made her way to the front door. Once she walked up the familiar steps to his door, she knocked three times then waited. The door opened almost instantly and he came into her arms. They didn't need to talk; all they needed were thoughts. She pulled away and looked at him. He looked exhausted and worn.
"Hey A. You haven't returned any of my texts." She spoke as he led her in. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure. You want anything?" He motioned her to sit down.
"No thanks," she breathed in,and started her lie. "There's this ball tomorrow and I'm wondering if you could be my date,...since you didn't attend my break-in party." She barely skimmed the subject, but she could tell he got a hint. "I was trying to text you that day, but no one responded." She kept her cherade going as smoothly as she could.
"Of coarse, but you have to go now." He sounded urgent and agitated.
"Why?...I just got here....unless you're hiding something." Her voice was strong and innocent. "I wouldn't want to intrude if you're in he middle of something...-" She got to him.
"Just go." He said interupting her lie. She turned around and tripped on a loose floor board and fell to the ground. It then ripped completely opened and she saw it; them. Four motionless bodies on the secret floor. One was an ordinary mailman and the others were local people. One on the far right looked fresh; the skin was still a pale rosy red. Michela then looked up at Aaron and got up. His eyes weak, his head shaking in disbelief. Her face changed rapidly as she walked towards him. "How could you Aaron? I thought you said you hunted animals, not innocent humans." She faught back the tears that filled her eyes. "You lied...."
"I....Michela, I wouldn't...-" Aaron baffled, but Michela interupted his pointless reasoning.
"You could've hurt someone I loved and me! You could've taken my blood and used it for your own needs! I trusted you....." She had hesitated before she spoke again knowing that this might be it. "You know what Aaron...go to hell!" She ran out of the room without looking back.
"Michela!..." he shouted after her.
"Don't bother coming tomrrow! I don't want to see you again!" Her tears finally caught up to her as she sobbed her way to her car and sped away not caring if she got pulled over. She drove past the bridge and her house to a bar that she and Natalia went last weekend to get over Aaron not coming to her party last weekend. She finally got in and walked to the bar. The bar tender came towards her as she neared the bar.
"Can I help you?" As Michela opened her mouth to speak, she ran into someone and got whiskey on her shirt.
"Ohh my god...I'm so sorry." Her jaw dropped and her eyes stopped in their tracks. His eyes were almost black as night with a bright green ring around them. They were almost cat-like, but in a human form. His face was elegantly devine and perfectly aligned. He also had a muscular build, but he looked more built than Aaron. He was dressed in all black; black baggy pants, black shirt, black shoes,and a black leather jacket. His clothes were perfectly fitted and tightly fitted every curve on his body. He had an elegant ring on his finger; ivory with a nice teal blue on it.
"No problem...I'm sorry about your shirt." His voice was smooth and casual as he gestured to her whiskey stained shirt. She sat down on a bar stool as he did the same. "Can I get some napkins and another shot?"
"Sure," she disappeared.
"I haven't seen you here before, what's your name?" Michel asked.
"Damon,...and you're Michela." He giggled a bit with an evil smirk on his face.
"How...did you-"
"I've seen you last weekend with your friend," he said solemnly without his eyes leaving hers. The bartender came with the shot of whiskey and the napkins. He also didn't touch the whiskey for some reason. "Here...have some."
"I'm not a drinker," he looked at her and she blushed, "but I think I'm. gunna need it." She took the glass and popped it into her mouth. It tasted weird at first, but by the fifth glass, she couldn't taste anymore. They talked a lot, but mostly about her. She didn't care though. She knew she was drunk and she loved it. Michela found she had more fun with Damon then she would ever have with Aaron. She doesn't know how, but she was suddenly playing pool, hustling and winning. She felt bad around him and liked the thrill of being a bad girl. Hours have passed and she was wasted. Her mother thought she was at home asleep, so she couldn't go home. Damon told her he dropped her car off before, so she couldn't even get home. She had no choice now, but to go home with Damon. Before she knew it, she in his car. It was a midnight blue Porsche 911 Turbo and it was her fvorite sportts car. She looked to her left to see Damon by her driving with an arm around her as he drove.
"Damon?..." She looked up to see his eyes seeking for hers.
"You feel better?; because you look terrible." Cracked a smile.
"Good Damon, tell a girl she looks terrible and you'll get a black eye."
"At least I'll look good with one.." He turns into a little house, probally a bachelor pad. He looked into her eyes and it seemed like he was invading her mind and looking at every thought running through it. They leaned in, her eyes closed, and her lips started to part. Her lips touched his and she felt right kissing him. His lips were warm and inviting as his tounge massaged her own. His hand touched her face and she felt a chill run through her. She suddenly felt her wieght shift and she realized she was now standing on the ground. Michela was still kissing him as they entered his house. She knocked off her wedge flip-flops one my one as he slipped off her shirt. Michela unzipped his pants and slipped off his lether jacket. He pushed her against the wall and slipped off her capris to reveal her string bikini styled panties.
"A thong..? I thought you were a good girl."
"It's a string bikini and I'm not so innocent." She lunged into his lips as they kept undressing each other. They finally made their way to his bed and that's where the rest off their clothes came off. He pushed her onto the bed softly and he slowly followed her. Michela just flowed into him as he entered her. As soon as the night began, she didn't want it to end. So much pleasure entered her. She was a virgin, but Damon made it just as easy to take it away. She had a different love for him, but not from her dreams; in her heart. She maybe drunk, but she knew that she felt love for him. He had nothing to hide and had no fears. It's like she loved him before she even knew him. His dark aura made her feel alive; different than she was with Aaron. She felt fearless and completely flawless. Her lips didn't want to leave his even if she died right where she was. Everything felt right with Damon; even if she's doing wrong. Then she felt a sting of pain that went right away the moment she realized it. She peerded with her eyes and saw Damon biting her neck. Damon, a vampire, I should've saw this coming, she thought. She pulled her neck into a better position then pulled away and looked at Damon's perfectly clean face.
"Why didn't you tell me? I'm not afraid of vampires." She kissed him.
"I thought my brother would've told you already sweetie."
"Wait.....Aarons your brother?"
"Yep, I tried to warn you, but-"
"You're the one who has been texting me," Michela interupted, "he never told me he had a brother." She sighed suddeny.
"He hasn't told a lot about himself has he?" His eyes narrowed, "didn't you want to ask him something?"
"Yah,...maybe you can escort me to the fall ball tomrrow..." her voice traied off.
"Why not,'s not like my brother would let you any fun anyway." He had a crooked smile. "Just one thing,...a little bit more wouldn't hurt would it?" he said feeling the side of her neck.
"No, I trust you Damon," she said raising her chin so he had an easy target at the two small wounds he already made.
He lowered his head and she, yet again, felt the faint sting then nothing. She had no idea why she trusted him that much, but he didn't hide anything from her like Aaron did. He heated her whole body up and, to her, it felt good. Damon pulled away, knowing his limit unlike Aaron. Damon knew how to control his hunger; probally from draining blood from every girl he drew in. This made her feel safer around him. She felt him kiss her neck and feel her stomache as she fell deeper into the abyss of love of love that he gave her.
* * * *