Tell Me You're Not Alright

Right Next To Me

The feeling of comeplete anxiety was taking over my body for the millionth time today. Things seemed to not go my way today. First my flight to New York got delayed, and now my brother is late to pick me up so I'm sitting here in a crowded air port, listening to the sounds of shoes scuffing on the floor, childeren playing and the voices over the entercome.

Oh I don't hold my breath. And I don't hold my tounge. And I know that you know that I don't back down.To no one.To no one

I looked down at my phone that was violently vibrating in my hand and seen Brian flash on the screen.

"Where the hell are you, I've been waiting for an hour!" I said rather loud into the phone, gaining a few glares from the people around me.

"Chill out Meg, I'm here. But you need to come outside, I'll get my ass bombared if I come in there." Brians voice rang from the phone.

"Okay, I'll be out in a second." I said standing up and grabbing my dufflebag and throwing it over my shoulder and pulling my black suitcase behind me.

"I'm in a black tahoe." he said

"Okay. I think I see you." I said walking through the revolving doors. The windo rolled down and I seen Brian sitting in the driver seat, sporting his ever famous black Fedora. I hung up my phone when I seen it was him.

I opened the hatchback of the Tahoe and threw my stuff in, then walked to the passenger door and opening it. I climbed in and looked at Brian's grinning face.

"Meg, gimmie a fucking hug." he said leaning over and squeezing me "Its been way to long" he said when he released his death grip.

"Your telling me. Its been six years since I've seen your ass. Other then on T.V." I said smiling. "How are all the guys?"

"Matts good." He said smiling.

"I meant everyone, Brian." I replied glaring at him

"Good. Still the same old ass clowns they've always been."

"I'll assume your right along side them causing a riot?"

"You bet. But now that my little sister is here, all hell is going to break loose."

"For sure." I said looking out the window.

"Matt's still single, has been since we left." Brian said after a long time of silence. I sent a glare in his direction for the second time today

"Why the hell would I care if Matt is single." I huffed.

"Chill out Meg, I was just stating it. So take a chill pill, cause we are here."

I slapped a smile on my face and bolted out the door of the truck and towards the tour bus, I was in much need of a reunion with the boys I'd grown up with.

"Go on in, I'll get your shit." Brian said from behind the car. I reached for the door handle and opened it. Everyone was lounging around the bus.

"Miss me fuckers?" I said announcing my presence.

"Meg!" Jimmy hollered running towards me and picking me up and spinning me in a circle.

"Share her you fucker." Zacky said yanking me from his arms and hugging me. Johnny came soon after. Leaving Matt for last

"Meg, you look terrific." He said before giving me a hug.

"You too Mattie. Bigger muscles." I said running my hand on his large arm. He blushed.

"Who are these girls? I don't think I've met any of them." I said motioning towards the girls that were sitting on the floor, watching.

Zacky smiled "This is my girlfriend Dylan. Thats Johnny's wife Patrica. And Thats Jimmy's fiance Rebecca." he said pointing each one of them out.

Each of them took turns greeting me, all of them were nice. My boys always did have good taste "I never thought this little shit Johnny would be married." I said smirking at Johnny

"Aww, that hurts Meg." he said gripping his heart.

I took a seat next to Zacky on the couch, where Matt planted himself soon after.

"Wheres yours Mattie?" I said smiling at him

"Right next to me." he replied in an almost whisper.
♠ ♠ ♠
My fucking god.
I've been trying to write this for two god damn hours.
I just wanna flip my shit.
But motherfucking finally.
Enjoy it. It took forever.