Tell Me You're Not Alright

Final Fitting.

“You look stunning in that dress Meg” Dylan said gasping at the bridesmaid dress I was wearing. The girl has taste, she picked all black, strapless dresses that went to the knees and ruffled at the bottom, it was simply gorgeous.

“Thanks babe” I replied, my dress was perfect and I didn’t have to worry about it, now Rebecca, Patricia, and Izzie were next. After Izzie started hanging around more, the rest of the girls became more and more friends with her, which made me rather happy, Dylan asked Izzie to stand with the rest of us, and walk down the isle with Brian.

All of our dresses seemed to fit perfectly, nothing needed to be alerted, so Dylan, with the help of Zacky’s credit card that he allowed her to use for all wedding cost, purchased the dresses and we exited the store. I took the 4 dresses and hung them on the hook in Dylan’s navigator, just across from her elegant wedding dress.

“Lunch?” Dylan asked from the driver seat as she buckled her seatbelt, I for one was starving, and could clearly tell that everyone else was, we all didn’t hesitate for a moment to accept. She smiled, put on her over sized white sunglasses that matched the pair you’d often see Zacky sporting, then started the car and pulled out of the tiny parking spot.

We all agreed to eat at a small sub shop called Fabrizo’s. The bell just above the door rang as we entered the small shop, the gleaming face of a small Italian girl greeted us, to take our orders. We took our seats at a booth with our sub’s.

“I can’t believe you’ll be Mrs. Vengeance in 9 days” Patricia said with a mouth full of food. Dylan smiled immediately. “I won’t be the only one permanently tied to one of the sevenfold hell raisers” earning a roar of laughter from all of us.

“Aw, don’t give her false hopes, Zacky’s not near the little shit your husband is.” I said

She was silent for a moment as if she were thinking “Eh, true” she said then smiling. “Becca, your next babe. You and Jimmy have been engaged for like 9 months”

She smiled “Yes, we plan to start planning it after the get back from the 3 month tour”

Dylan grinned “Yes, but whos next after that? Izzie or Meg”

“I’ve only been with Brian for a month, so I’m out of that” Izzie spoke up.

“But, he’s falling more in love with you, with each passing day. You’ve got the boy wrapped around your finger, which is surprise, I mean. It’s ‘Synyster Gates’” Rebecca said laughing, we joined it.

I cleared my throat “And I won’t be marrying anyone from my little clan. Theres only two left” I said holding up two fingers “My brother” then I made a digusting face “And Matt”

“My point exactly, Mattie told Zacky about your little phone fight, and to be honest he’s pretty much kicking himself in the ass for it. Meg he loves you, just give him a chance” the rest of the girls nodded.

I shook my head “Even if I wanted to, the two of us could never work out. We fight way to much, and every time we get in a fight, I’ll always use what happened between us against him.”

Dylan rolled her eyes “Meg, you’ve got to stop making excuses. Your just trying to postpone getting back with him as long as possible for whatever reason, that is unclear. But I can see it when you look at him, it tears you up not to be with him, and we can all see it in him as well. Just stop being such a stubborn ass and fucking do it already.”

“No. I’m not doing it. Things are already done, he said he was done before he hung up on me, I can’t change the past, no reason to bother trying.” I lost my appetite, all this talk of Matt was making me sick to my stomach. I got up and threw away the half of the sub that was left.

The other girls followed suit, and we exited the shop and got in the car and rode back in silence to mine and Brian’s house.

Dylan’s words kept repeating over and over in my head, making me feel worse about giving up on Matt then I already did
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