Tell Me You're Not Alright

Bachelor Party.

-All In Matt’s Point Of View-

“Love you babe, have a good time, and stay out of trouble, don’t forget you have to be in one piece for your wedding” Dylan spoke softly with her arms around Zacky. He gave her a belonged kiss and then got into my car and we headed for Las Vegas with the rest of the guys.

With every wedding, came the bachelor party.

The ride was long, and my ass was numb when we got out at the Palm’s hotel back entrance. The security guard gave us 2 keys. In one room, would be Zacky and I, and in the other would be Johnny, Jimmy and Brian.

I carried my bag up to the hotel room effortlessly, and dropped it next to my bed, my body fell next on top of the soft bed. I could have fell asleep on spot, but was fully aware of the next 3 nights and the party hell that was bound to happen. Zacky tiredly stumbled into the room and took the bed next to mine.

“Dude. Don’t be a mope ass all weekend.” He said

I looked at him and fake smiled “I’m not.

“Like hell, we all know you wanna be around Meg. So just do it.”

I rolled my eyes. Was I that transparent? I couldn’t help it, even if she wanted nothing to do with me. I felt like I could really live without her, I really fucked myself over when I acted the way I did. I would take it back if I could.

“Zacky, please don’t start this. I’m getting it from every direction, if its not you, its one of the other guys.”

“Then listen to use damn it, but don’t be a wine bag, cause your gonna fuckin’ ruin my bachelor party” he got up and walked into the bathroom.

I fell backwards once again and thought. Meg’s face kept popping in my head, not that I minded it, but it was eventually going to drive me insane. Knowing that I loved her like I did, but also realizing that I had no chance in getting her back.

I guess leaving without so much of a goodbye, and six years of silence could make her bitter. But I couldn’t stand to say goodbye to her, not knowing if I would ever see her again. At the time I thought it was going to be the best for both of us.

How very wrong I was. I regret everyday of those six years without her, every minute was harder the previous, and every hour was another wasted.

“You ready to be a married man?” Johnny slurred drunkly at Zacky. The two were the worst of so far, I wasn’t bad, my mood wasn’t one for drinking, surprisingly.

“Most defiantly” Zacky said grinning like a child “To me?” he said raising his beer bottle in the air, our beers went in the air quickly clanking them together, then taking them back to drink. I looked at my four best friends that sat before me, all seemingly the happiest guys in the world. I knew for a fact that the girls they were with, were the cause of most of it. Jealousy was setting in

The rest of the weekend went fast, we spent every waking hour drunk off our asses, and every sleeping hour, sleeping off the alcohol effects. Three days past, meant three days less of Zacky being a single man leaving only 5 days until the wedding, he wasn’t at all regretting it, he found the girl he loved, can’t say I’m not jealous. Though, I found the girl I loved, I’m just not exactly sure she loves me back.
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