Tell Me You're Not Alright

The End

1 Year Later

“Huntington Beach! How the fuck are you guys tonight ?” Matt yelled into the microphone, receiving screams back “What? I can’t fucking here you?” he said putting his hand to his ear and holding the mic to the crowd. This time the screams were loud and boomed through the venue. “Well, this is our last stop on this tour, so we wanna hear you guys sing along with this next song. Its called ‘Almost Easy’.

The guys started playing, Matt started singing. They invited me back out on tour, it was a blast. All the girls came as well, we’d all grown to be one big happy family.

When Zacky and Dylan got back from their honeymoon, they told us their was going to be a new addition to the Baker family, so Dylan was standing holding her 3 month old daughter in her hands. Rebecca and Jimmy still had yet to be married, but that would be resolved very soon I can assume. Patricia and Johnny were still the same, looking to have a baby soon, now that they would have a break for about a year from touring. Brian and Izzie, well they were over the moon for each other, and tonight he was going to ask us all on stage to ask her to marry him, I loved my handy work.

And my decision? Well, life with Matt, was the best it could be. I realized that day, that fighting with him was only going to continue, but it was something worth getting through.

I was standing in front of the door, breathing heavily, and trying to force myself to ring the doorbell of Matts house. I wanted to, but was afraid that I had waited to late.

Finally I extended my hand and pushed the doorbell a few times..

“I’m coming. I’m coming” I could here Matt grumble from behind the door. He opened it, revealing the cut on the side of his face from this little tussle “Meg, what are y-” he started, I cut him off by grabbing his head and pulling him to me and kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in the house, never breaking the kiss, that was postponed for way to long.

“It took you long enough babe” he said looking at me.

“I know, I just-”

He cut me off with another kiss “I already know, you don‘t have to say anything” he said then reaching for my shirt and pulling it over my head “I love you Meg Haner”

I smiled “Back at you Shadows” then I kissed him and reached for his shirt. Trust me when I say, that night, was the best”

“Alright, we have one more song to play but first we want to introduce you to the rest of our A7X family. We have the girls that keeps us going” he motioned for us to come out “and our very first A7X offspring, baby Vengeance” Dylan stepped out first caring the baby in her arms and walking towards Zacky.

“My daughter is fucking beautiful” Zacky said into the microphone and then leaning down to kiss her head, the crowd went in an “Awe”.

I walked over to Matt and he wrapped his arm around me “I do believe Mr. Synyster G has an announcement, so I’ll turn this over to him”

Brian let out a sigh and set his guitar down, Izzie was looking more confused then you could imagine “Izzie, babe, I never thought I could fall in love until I met you, so will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?”

She screamed and then shook her head and jumped in Brian’s arms. The crowd cheered. He slipped the ring on her finger after he set her down and kissed her.

I put one hand on my large stomach and rubbed, I guess I didn’t mention just how great life with Matt was.

“I love you” he said kissing me “and I love you too, both of you” he said putting his lips to my pregnant stomach and kissing each side of it. Pregnant with twins. I smiled once more before we exited the stage and allowed them to sing the last song.

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost, its empty and cold to many people to ache over…

That song taught me that life was about seizing the day, and I’ve learned, that it’s the only way to live, or you’ll always have to tell someone your not alright.
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MegShads, I really hope you liked your story, I was pleased with the way it came out and I hope you are too. It was a lot of fun to write, so look to the future with another one written about you : ) .. Love you! Xo.

Thank you for all of your support, this includes Meg and everyone else, your wonderful feeback kept this story going. I cannot thank all of you enough!