Tell Me You're Not Alright


"Hey Meg, you wanna go get some coffee with me, the guys are begging and none of the other girls are up yet." Dylan spoke softly after coming out of the bathroom, where Zacky had taken up residence, as he spilled the contents of his stomach. It was an awkward yet cute site seeing him in a ball on the floor.

"Sure." I said nodding and getting up to grap my leather jacket that lay on my bunk. I walked back and reached down to get it, and slipped it over my by torso. I turned back around and walked out of the small room running face first into what felt like a brick wall..

"Sorry Meg" Matt said looking down at me, letting out a small smile he slid past me and I walked off the bus to meet Dylan whom was standing out side the bus tour smoking a cigarette. When she seen me, she dropped the cig, and rubbed it into the ground and motioned for me to follow.

"So, what with you and Matt, he looked like he was about to cry when he came back in the bar last night, and you didn't say anything else to him." she questioned as we walked towards the street.

"Nothing. Its a really long story, and way to ignorant to talk about." I replied shifty my hands in my pockets. Matt was just a touchy subject in general.

"Well, I know that you guys dated and it didn't end so well, but you should give the guy a chance, I've toured with them every time for the past 3 and a half years, and never once has he looked at another girl like he does you, Hell I don't even think hes even dated another girl." she said

"Was this why you asked me to come? To talk about Matt?" I question.

She grinned "Partly."

I just shook my head "Its not gonna happen, because hes wasn't given the ability to care about someone more then himself, he proved that when he left. But I'm not bitter anymore, I still love him to death, and I think that I have to be his friend, or I'd go out of my mind."

"Okay Meg, but your wrong about him. Hes not the same person that left." she said as we neared the road.

We quickly ran across the street and walked into a starbucks. Getting five black coffees for the guys, and 4 cold vanilla coffees for us girls. We quickly paid and walked out. She handed me the coffees and threw the hood of her 'Vengeance University' hoddie over her head and we walked back towards the bus.

"Remember what I told you Meg." Dylan said caring the coffees onto the bus. I shook my head, I don't think anyone gets that I can't deal with another heartbreak from Matt Sanders, and even as much as everyone tried to reassure me that it wouldn't be the same. I knew it would, and if it wasn't going to be, he was going to need to prove that to me.

And trust me, showing your feelins and Mathew Sanders, never, ever go hand in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know. But I wanted to update.


The concert was amazing.!!!!