Tell Me You're Not Alright

Moving In With Brian

"Meg, what the fuck is this?" Brian asked in complete disgust as he shut the door of his car and looked at the building in front of him. It was a white building, with vines up the side, not exactly the apartment complex you'd expect to find in Huntington Beach, but it was cheap on rent and it was home.

"Its home Brian. Not everyone can live the rockstar life and have mansions on the beach front" I said sarcasticaly, walking towards the narrow stairwell that led to my door. I pushed my key and turned it to unlock it. The door swung open revealing the apartment. It say looking almost spotless.

The black couch was perfectly spotless, the glass coffee table shined. All of the DVD's and Xbox games were perfectly stacked. Hell, even the carpet still had the lines from where I had ran the vacume before I left. It looked like it had never been touched.

"Well its clean in here, which I'm not surprised by, but the complex is a piece of shit. Why are you living here?" Brian asked, planting himself on the couch, where he kicked his feet on my table, and put his hands behind his head.

"Again, not everyone is a rockstar. I am limited on money. And get you fucking feet off my table" I said kicked his legs so he would move them. He groaned but did as I said.

I sat down in the small chair across from the couch, propping my elbow on the arm rest and laying my head on my hand. Home felt nice. Well it did, until I heard yelling from the otherside of the wall behind me. The neighbors were fighting again.

"How do you deal with that?" Brian said pointing.

"I got used to it." I replied

"Still, this whole place is disgusting. The complex is gross, it looks like a broken down motel that some bum bought out. You should find somewhere else to live Meg." he said serisouly.

"Oh okay, and where do you expect me to go? Rent some $1200 a month apartment on the beach? Cause I can't afford anything else right now"

"Live with me? My house is far bigger then I need"

"Then sell it, and buy a smaller one dumbass"

"No. Why should I do that, when my sister can move in and pick up after my ass?" he said laughing.

"Not funny Bri, and I am not your maid"

"Okay. Seriously though, just move in with me"

I looked at him, waiting for him to burst out with a 'Nah, I'm just kidding' but he didn't. He was serious. I thought for a minute.

"You really want me to?" I questioned.

"Yes" he said shaking his head.

"Okay" I said. He grinned.

"Fuckin right on. I'll call the guys and they can come get your shit, then we can have a big ass fucking party for you." He said digging around in his pocket, only to pull out his sidekick and began to furiously text on it.

"Wait what. I didn't mean now." I said sitting up.

He looked at me from behind the sidekick "Why wait." he stated simply, then flipped the piece down. "They are coming, I told them how to get here"

I groaned, knowing I was going to have to get up. What in the hell was this big ass rush. I sat for a few minutes debating on what do to first. Brian didn't look as if he were going to be any help, he just sat there looking as if he were about to fall asleep. I rolled my eyes, his idea and hes not even going to help, then got up and walked to my room, dragging out a small black bag to start putting shit in.

Time seemed to pass quickly, I had most of my clothes away and was now working on pulling the photo albums out from under my bed to put in the box I found shoved in my closet. I sat calmy on the floor, pulling them out one by one and putting them neatly in the bottom of the box. I stopped at one. It was black with small metal balls all around the sides. I flipped it open and began flipping through the pages.

The pages were filled with pictures of the band practicing. The partys me and Brian would throw when our parents were away, and the chaos we would cause around Huntington. The last page, had me glued to it. It was a picture in black and white of me and Matt kissing. 2 weeks before he left. We looked so happy, like nothing in the world could break us.

"I remember that" I slipped my head around, to find Matt kneeling at my side and pointing to the picture. I was unsure of how long he had been there, I was taking a stroll down memory lane. I looked at him blankly before slamming the album shut and putting it in the box.

"Meg, are you still pissed off?" He said from the spot where he had now placed him self on the end of my bed. I got up off the floor and walked to the dresser, to take the picture frames off the top of it. "Meg!" he yelled at me.

"What do you want?" I said turning and crossing my arms. "Yes I'm mad. You know I don't wanna be called that, and you know that your pushing it with all this shit you keep doing to me. I can fucking take your bullshit, I can't."

"I'm sorry Meg. You know that." he said looking at the floor.

"Your always sorry, when are you gonna stop saying it, and start proving it?" I questioned, but simply got no reply.

I shook my head. "Thats what I thought." He didn't move an inch from my bed. I stood staring at him intently. Finally he got up and got as close to me as possible. He pushed me backwards until my door was in reach, then he reached behind me and pushed it shut, not taking his eyes away from me for a second.

"When are you goig to stop being a stubborn bitch Meg?" He said before grabbing my side and pushing his lips to mine with a great amount of force. My body shook crazily, it was wrong, but it felt so right. I kissed him back, running my hands up his chest and around his neck.

His hands moved down my hips, and then it all kicked in my head just exactly what I was doing. I stopped kissing him and turned my head. I was on the verge of tears.

"Matt just please leave. I.. I... I don't wanna do this. " I kept my head turned but could feel the tension build within him. He moved past me and out my bedroom door without another word. I just stood there in silence.

Holding back the tears, that were fighting to fall.
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Well. I am going to update lots tonight.
Because I have been so MIA its been pissing me off.
So heres the first of many updates.
There might be another on this one tonight.