Tell Me You're Not Alright

Jack Daniels, and Sex

"This the last of it?" Johnny asked pointing to the small box on the floor. I nodded and turned to look at the completly empty apartment. I gave my key to Zacky to take down to the front office. Its hard to believe that its 6pm and I'm done getting my shit, and I'm moving in with my brother.

"Come on Meg. Lets go" Brian said. I sighed and turned around and walked out the apartment door for the last time. Call me insane, cause most people would love the idea of moving from a shitty one room apartment to a massive 3 story house, but I was never one to take from others. I wanted to hold my own.

Within fifteen minutes we were back at the house. All of my stuff had already been taken up to my new room. I walked up the stairs and made a right, my new bedroom was bigger then my whole apartment was, my eyes fell on the California King Size bed that was now mine. Silk sheets covered it, I for one couldn't wait to sleep on it. My boxes and bags lay around the room, I was in no mood to unpack them thought, it could wait for tomorrow.

I turned and walked back out the bedroom door, back down the steps and into the kitchen, where there were currently 3 bottles of Jack Daniels sitting on the counter, and 9 shot glasses lined up. Everyone was standing around the counter. When my presence was made noted, Brian smiled and reached for the bottle and poored its contents into each shot glass.

Matt, whom was standing in front of me. Reached out and took two shots, handing me one of them. He raised his shot up to me and then slammed it back, giving a bitter face as it slid down his throat. I followed suit. When everyone had thrown back their first shot Brian poored another, and another, and another.

Finally, when we'd gone through a bottle everyone excused themselves from the Jack Daniels, instead taking a beer and walking to the living room. All except Matt and I.

"One more, just for us?" Matt slurred.

"Poor it" I said quickly, and he did. We didn't waste anytime slamming them back either. I looked into his eyes, and for once saw that glint of love. Maybe it was the alcohol, but it sparked something inside me.

I didn't say anything to him, just grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs, and to my bedroom. I didn't bother to turn the lights on, what was coming next didn't need lights. As soon as Matt stepped foot in the door he picked me up and kicked the door shut. His lips locked with mine, he carried me to the bed and layed me down climbing on top of me.

I reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head in a quick motion. I rubbed my hands up and down his chest and then around his neck. His hands worked furiously to unbuttom my pants, finally when he did he pulled them off, taking my underwear with them. His hand moved down between my thighs, I moaned his two of his fingers slipped inside of me, moving in and out furiously.

"Matt.." I moaned out, before he cover my lips with his own. I could feel my first orgasm fast approaching as he worked. Finally it came, I bit my lip as my body shook. The intense feeling took over for a moment.

I reached for Matt's pants after he pulled my shirt over my head, they were off in no time. I forced him on his back and climbed on top of him. Lowering down on him, forcing him to let my name escape his lips in a moan. His hands locked around my hips, and he helped me move. Many times over the course of 30 mintues, his name left my lips, and vise versa.

I collapsed next to Matt soon after, allowing thoughts of what just happen to run thought my head, and just how much I knew I would regret it when I woke up next to him in the morning.
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I wish it could just be happy for the rest of the story..
But wheres the fun in that?