Tell Me You're Not Alright


"Hey Brian, I got someone I would like you to meet" I said, grinning graciously as I walked up to him, dragging along a good friend of mine, Izzie.

He turned around, letting out the famous grin of his when he layed eyes on her figure. He stared her up and down, from her jeans, to her ever so reavealing black top. I seen a look in his eyes, that I hadn't once seen in my brothers eyes in my life.

"Well, I'll let you guys get to know each other."I said turning and smiling, as I heard them begin to talk like they were old friends. Walking into the kitchen, I layed eyes on Matt who was sitting on the counter drinking a beer and looking at the people that were here.

I walked right past him and to the fridge, and pulled out a beer for myself, popping the cap and tossing it in his direction purposly, I sat down at the table with Zacky, Dylan, Johnny, Patrica, and Jimmy whom were in a heated game of 'Bullshit'. I laughed as Zacky picked up more cards, adding to his stack that was already half the deck. Finally Johnny was declared the winner. Patrica then excused herself, and stumbled drunkly out of the room. I took her seat and asked to be delt in.

"Deal me in too" I looked up and seen Matt standing there.

He pulled up a chair and Zacky delt him cards. When they were all out, I realized I had the ace of spades.

"One Ace." I stated calmy.

Next to me was Zacky "One Two"

The game went on, and I was doing rather well as usual. I had two cards left, Matt had two as well. I didn't look at him, just at my cards. It came back around to me, I was to lay down four's, I had none. Lieing was the only option.

"Two Fours" I said as calm as possible, then laying down my final cards. Matt looked at his two cards and then at me, it was written all over his face, he knew I was lieing.

I smiled when the silence drew on, Zacky leaned up to put cards out, Matt beat him to the punch "Bullshit".

I sighed and reached out to pick up the cards. "I always knew when you were lieing" he said after I picked up my cards.

The fire burning inside me was pushing me to send out a smart ass remark, but I didn't. I coudn't. Zacky ended up winning that game, but that was one of many, the rest my drunk ass didn't really remember.

This time I woke up on the couch, Matt-less and fully clothed, a sign of something good right now. What I was intrested in, was that Izzie was still here, and she was asleep with Brian on the floor. Which was a rather cute site.

The kitchen was filled with the smell of fresh coffee, and when I walked in, sure enough Dylan was up drinking a cup. She was sitting in the chair looking at a wedding magazine, here hair was put in a lose ponytail, and she had one leg up which her arm was resting on. She looked up and smiled at me "Fresh pot on the counter."

"Thank you" I said dragging it out, I poured a cup of the warm delisoucness, then took a seat next to her. "What are you looking at" I question taking a small sip.

"Bridal Dresses" she said smiling. "I've got a month to plan this bitch..You feel like helping?"

"Sure" I replied. "Just tell me what I gotta do"

"Well, for starters, I've got to get a dress. I'm looking at this one." she showed me the picture. It was silk and white, with a black strip around the waste. It laced up in the back, which she said she liked because it showed the 'Death Bat' back tat she had. The bottom was long, and looked like a princess dress. It had a large black divider that parted the two part of the dress. It was stunning, and she would no doubt make it look amazing.

"I love that" I said

"Me too, I think thats the one I want, and I seen these black bridesmaid dresses." she showed me those as well, which were beautful. "Also, Zacky is having all the guys stand up with him, but Matt is his best man"

"Andd..?" I asked.

She looked down "You have to walk down the esile with him"

I wanted to scream and tell her no chance in hell. But I didn't. I always wanted to walk down the esile with Matt, but I always thought I'd be walking down it with him as Mrs.Sanders. So much for that.
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Wedding planning is going to be fun.

Lets hope Meg and Mattie don't fight the whole time :(
Haha.. Something, tells me they might.