Status: Active --If I know someone's reading.

Nobody Will Know



Why. I could ask so many questions.

Why is my dad dead?

Why did my mom move us so suddenly?

Why am I in the trunk of a car?

I guess it all started about two years ago...


Two years earlier.

"Anna! You're father's leaving! Come downstairs!"

I look at the clock and see that it's ten o'clock. My dad's leaving!

I take the stairs two at a time until I hit the floor. Running to the living room, I tackle my dad with a hug. I look up at him and ask, "Why do you have to go? Who am I going to prank mom with now?"

He laughs and replies, "I'm needed in New York. Don't worry, it's only a few months."

I release him and look at my mom, "Don't think this means it's not going to be as bad."

She shakes her head and says, "Don't think this means I'm not going to ground you if I wake up and I'm on top of your school roof again."

My dad and I laugh at that memory. That one had taken a lot of planning.

"I have to go." I turn back to my dad and hug him again.

I smile and say, "I love you, dad."

He looks me in the eye and says, "I love you, too. Remember that. Whenever your sad just remember that I love you."

I found it a little odd that he said it so seriously but I just nodding.

He leaned over and kissed my mom, then whispered something in her ear. She nodded. I thought I saw a tear fall from her eye but I assumed that I just imagined it.

Right before he walked out the door he turned and said to me, "When he asks you if trust him, say yes. You'll know when the time comes." Then he walked out.

After getting over my momentary confusion, I ran to the door to give him one final wave. He was in the car backing out of our drive way. Before driving away he looked at me and mouthed, "I love you." Then we waved at each other and he drove off.

It wasn't even five minutes before my mother started sobbing.


You'd think that I would have questioned everything more. Why was he acting so weird? Why was my mom crying?

That day became a blur though. That day became the last day that I ever saw my father.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think? It's short, the words are kind of repetitive, and definitely not my best work. But what do think?

This is me rewriting my first story. It was called Love Is Complicated and right now it's still posted. So if you go to my profile you'll see the first seven chapters of this story. You would not be getting any good information about this story though. They are completely different.

I might edit this at some point but I want to get this posted.

Comments = motivation = new chapter! =D