Status: Active --If I know someone's reading.

Nobody Will Know

Jason Avenue



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Gah! People just don't know when to go away!

I roll out of my bed and sluggishly walk down the stairs. Judging by the light coming in from the windows and the fact that my mom's not home yet, I'd say it's only about one or two in the afternoon.

Without any hesitation I swing open the front door and see some kid standing their. Well, not technically a kid, but a teen probably around the same age as me.

"Hi! I'm Nick! I live next door and my mom sent me over to invite you to dinner."

I wipe my eyes and say, "You couldn't wait a few more hours?"

He just shrugs his shoulders and gestures behind him to where some other kid is standing, "That's Matt. I didn't want to come alone." That's what she said.

I look over at Matt and notice that he's actually really hot. He also looks pretty old to be hanging out with this kid, Nick. Probably around nineteen. Age difference much? Oh well, not my business.

I turn my attention back to Nick and notice him trying really hard to look at my face. That's when I remember that I never put a bra on after my shower.

I cross my arms over my chest and that sort of relaxes Nick but it ends up bringing Matt's attention to my boob area and he just openly stares. Wow.

Nick, being relaxed now, states his purpose for interrupting my peaceful sleep. "Anyway, my parents actually asked me if you and you're parents would like to come to dinner tonight?"

I think about it and come up with a reason to not go, "We have a lot of unpacking to do. I'll be sure to mention it to my mother but I wouldn't count on us showing up. Goodbye, now."

I then slam the door in his face.

Ten minutes later there is another person ringing my doorbell. When I open it there is someone new.

"Listen, you can't be mean to Nick. I don't care if you're the queen, nobody is mean to Nick. It's like kicking a pup--"

He stops in the middle of his sentence and takes a good look at me.

In a drop-jaw kind of voice he says, "You are really hot."

I smirk and say, "I'm Dawn. You are?"

"Jason. I'm Nick's older brother's best friend. Usually Matt would being defending Nick but he doesn't want to talk to you. I seriously don't know why."

"Why don't you come inside?"

He nods and continues staring at me as he walks in the door.

I close the door and say, "The only room with furniture in it is my room. We can go there."

We're half-way up the steps when I hear the door open and close and two seconds later my mom yells, "An-" she starts, but catches herself, "Dawn! I'm back!"

We both stop on the steps. I tell Jason to wait a minute and I go to the bottom of the steps and say, "Mom, I have a guess. We'll be in my room. He's going to tell me about the school." Truth is I don't know if this guy and I are even going to the same school but I can't say we're going to my room and are going to screw around. Even though she knows that's what's going on, I can't straight up tell her.

I hear her say okay while I walk back up the stairs and as I pass Jason I grab his arm and pull him to my room.

As I close the door he asks, "How do you know we're going to the same school?"

I shrug my shoulders and reply, "I don't. I didn't even know if you were in high school."

I sit on my bed and he sits next to me. "So," he starts but I cut him off.

Since I'm probably going to end up going to school with this guy, I don't let us get to far. He feels a little under my shirt but doesn't get to my breast cause like I said, I'm going to know this guy for a year and I don't want the whole school thinking I'm really easy before I even have my first day.

I pull away and ask, "Shouldn't you be going? You were with friends and I kind of stole you."

He's in kind of a daze from all the kissing but none the less, he does nod.

I walk him to the door and ask, "So do you go to Hillcrest High School?"


"I'll be starting there tomorrow so maybe I'll see you there."

He smiles and nods and then leaves.

This day has been so weird.

~ ~ ~

"Dawn! Wake up! You've gotta go to school!"

I roll over in my bed and see the clock say 7:06am. Shit. I can't believe my mother didn't wake me up earlier. Well, I'm going to school late anyway.

I fling my covers off of me and see all of my boxes empty in the corner of my new room and a few items of clothing peaking out through the dressers. She unpacked all of my clothes. She touched all of my clothes.

Knowing this makes me a little uneasy. I mean, she had to go through all of my underwear and bras. Even with my new attitude, I still don't like having my mom see what I've become. I use to be such a good girl and I owned like one, maybe two, push-up bras and maybe one thong.

Before this year, I had only had sex with one guy and he had been my boyfriend for over a year before I let him see me naked and it was his sixteenth birthday. It was really romantic and sweet and it was the first time for both of us. His name was Trent. He broke up with me a week after my dad died.

"Anna? What are you still doing in bed?"


"Okay, Dawn, what are you still doing in bed?"

"I'm going in late."

"Well, obviously you are now. Get up and get ready and hurry. I have to be in an hour so we have to leave in about thirty minutes."

I sluggishly drag myself out of my bed and into my outrageously big bathroom and start to get ready.

Forty minutes later I was walking into the school with my mom. She talks to the office lady, Mrs. Wilson, for five minutes before rushing off to work. Mrs. Wilson hands me my schedule and tells me about if the class is on the first floor, it starts with a one. If it's on the second floor, it starts with a two and same for the third floor. She says she put Dawn on the attendance sheet since my mom told her I like to be called by my middle name.

Then she pulls out four big books; calculus, physics, french, and world history. Yay.

"These are books which are required to be taken to class every day. You can put them in your locker when you aren't in class and your locker number and combination are on your schedule. Locker partners were assigned in August and since you've come here in October, you don't have a locker partner. I'm going to write you a pass so you can walk around and find all of your classes for the rest of second period. Not that many people should be in the hall right now so it should be good for to be able to look around so you're not to overwhelmed when the bell rings."

She writes me a pass to walk around and tells me I can go. I shove all the books into my bag and go on my search to find my locker.

As I'm walking out I bump into someone as they're walking in. I look up and see that it's Jason from yesterday. I smile and does this kind of smirk, kind of smile thing. I watch as Mrs. Wilson sighs as she sees him walking towards her. "Jase, it's only second period and you're already in trouble?"

He laughs and says, "I swear! I didn't mean to let the frog loose! I thought it was dead! It wasn't my fault that it thought Valerie's hair was the bathroom!"

I smile and walk out of the room. Of course my first friend at this school would be a trouble maker.
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A new chapter! I know it's been awhile and I've had a lot of stuff going on with school. I can be a bit unpredictable when it comes to chapters cause it sometimes takes me a day or two to update or it could take a few months like it did this time. This story is worth it though cause it's going to be great.

To make it up to you, I tried to make it a long chapter. You guys met Jase, Nick, and kind of Matt, I know you'll meet Cora in the next chapter and maybe a few more people but I don't know yet.

P.S. Comments= Motivation = New chapter!