Not Fixable


"What are you doing here" you said to the man who stood before you, irritation was evident in your voice, you wanted him gone. You wanted him to leave you the fuck alone. He just stood there in your doorway a cynical smirk plastered on his thin lips.

"I wanted to see you, baby" he said while stepping into your small apartment. He's been here before, but today he just wasn't welcomed. You close the door and turn to face him and are met by his broad back.

"I don't want to see you, Brian" you said as you glare at his back. He turned around and faced you, his brown eyes filled with sadness. You glance at the floor avoiding his intense gaze. "I know I screwed up, Mari. But I want to make things right" he said as he took a step towards you.

Taking a step back you glared and shook your head. "There's nothing to make right here" you said choking a bit on your words as tears began to form.

"I know I fucked up again, but please forgive me, please give me another chance. Those other women didn't mean anything to me" he said moving closer to you. You let him come closer to you, letting him invade your personal space. "Please look at me" he pleaded. You couldn't. You knew it just took one glance and you'd be melted chocolate at his feet. You'll be his little toy again, the one he turned to when he needed his fix. When he needed someone to hold him and love him. You weren't ready to give the last pieces of your heart to him. He'll just end up breaking the pieces even more.

"No, I just can't stand your cheating anymore, Brian" you said moving away from him. “I just can't do this anymore, Brian. You broke me enough. I can't let you destroy me" you said as tears fell from your eyes.

But...” he began, but was cut off by you.

"But nothing Brian just leave please" you whispered looking out the window as rain started to gently fall. It seems the weather decided to match your mood, becoming gloomy and cold.

"Okay, but remember Mari, I love you" he said and soon after you heard the door slam shut.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have hurt me" you whispered as more tears ran down your cheeks.
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Sorry it's so short but I'm not good at writing in second person. But I hope you enjoy it. ^_^