I Can't Stay Away

Anywhere But Here

My boyfriend Jon kicked me out of our apartment; I knew it was a mistake moving in with him in the first place. If anyone should have gotten kicked out it should have been him, he cheated on me and started doing drugs again the thing that bothered me most is that he denied it when I found the drugs in his dresser and I knew some of the girls he cheated on me with. When I asked him about the drugs he completely freaked out and kicked me out, he was acting so stupid he was probably high right then.

I planned on staying with my best friend Bree since I used to live with her and the roommate who replaced me recently moved out. I knew I should have broken up with Jon a long time ago he was a psychopathic boyfriend and nothing good came from out relationship unless you’d count my mental state right now. He played with my emotions like little kids play with toys and I am so happy it was finally over.

Bree helped me move all my stuff out of Jon and my apartment and into hers while Jon was out with his shitty band. No I wasn’t bitter his band honestly did suck but they did have fans, most likely because the majority of the band is good looking especially Jon. He may have been attractive but he was definitely not a good boyfriend.

I finally got all of my stuff to Bree’s house and felt some peace of mind but when I sat in the quiet of my old undecorated purple room at Bree’s house I would think about Jon and for some reason no matter what he did to me I missed him. We were together on and off for about three years. You couldn’t lie and say you wouldn’t get attached even if it wasn’t the best relationship. I sat there in silence for a few more minutes before I started decorating. I had my bed set up and had put all my clothes in my closet when Bree walked in.

“Kennedy, Kyle just called me to tell you to answer your phone, he said it’s kind of important.” She said

“Kyle… Like my best friend?” I asked confused but somewhat excited she nodded and I ran to my phone I had seven missed calls and a couple texts all were from Kyle and all the texts basically told me was to answer my phone. I dialed his number and he answered right away.

“Finally you are on your phone, geez Kennedy.” He said dramatically

“Sorry my phone was on silent I’m just kind of out of it today my boyfriend, well uh ex boyfriend kicked me out of our apartment yesterday and I’m just stressed and need a break.”

“Could the break you need include living on a bus with a bunch of stinky guys and selling their merch for them in the smoldering heat?” He asked

“Well are you offering me to sell merch for Breathe Carolina?” I asked laughing at him; he always could make me feel better.

“Yes, but if you don’t want to its okay you’ll just be breaking my heart.” I chuckled as did he “It’s just TastE is stuck at home for awhile with his girlfriend and blah blah blah we need someone to sell merch. Plus I know you want to quit your job anyways and you get paid plus it is warped tour!” he said like he was an advertisement.

“I love that you think you need to persuade me. I would love to I need to get out of this town anyways. When and where does it start?” I asked

“It starts in LA tomorrow.” I sighed

“You’re killing me smalls! I mean yea its close and all but could you have given me shorter notice?”

“Please don’t change your mind, just be there early and go to the buses, I have to go to sound check, love you bye!” he said hanging up not even giving me a chance to change my mind even though I wouldn’t. Band guys were just insane but it was Kyle so I let it slide.

Breathe Carolina had been my good friends since 2007 and I loved those boys to death, I could tell this was going to be a long but insanely fun summer. I explained the whole thing to Bree and told her I’d send her money for the rent when she needed it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this chapter is really short and lame this is just the intro to the story for the most part.
I hope you guys like the story.

Title Credit: Mayday Parade - Anywhere But Here