I Can't Stay Away

Heart shaped tattoo

I was beyond ready for this off day not only because I was with my best friends but because I didn’t have to see Jon. For some reason we all rented a limo to take us around town. We ended up smoking in the back and just chilling and it was fun but then we got hungry. We stopped off at a small bar and grill and racked up an insane bill on mostly our drinks. Once we were done in there we walked out and right as we were about to pile into the limo and head off to god knows where I noticed a tattoo shop across the street out of my blurry half drunk eyes.

“Lets get tattoos!” I slurred out pointing over at Rusty’s Tattoo Parlor everyone was into the idea as we walked over there. David went first getting a color touch up on one of his arm pieces. And I was second this wasn’t my first tattoo although the situation was almost the same as when I got my first one. My first tattoo was a small BC behind my ear which the boys in breathe put me up to do when I was drunk a year prior.

I was now sitting in the tattoo chair again drunk and still not sure what to get. The tattooist with the name tag Jeremy sat down next to me and asked what I wanted. I turned my head to face the wall of tattoos which is probably the worst way to choose something that will be on your body for the rest of your life but I didn’t care. While looking though all the lovely choices of Roses, skulls, flames, and pinups Eric walked in front of my vision.

“Are you sure you need a tattoo right now?” Eric asked me.

“I WANT THAT!” I said excitedly pointing my finger at the tattoo on Eric’s cheek which was a small red heart. I wasn’t sure of this decision but I was drunk and still a bit stoned so nothing really mattered.

“You’re sure you want this right? It will be on you forever.” Jeremy asked I nodded as he started the machine and brought it upon my face. It was a million times more painful than my other tattoo which was funny since this one was smaller, but face tattoos weren’t meant to feel good. He was done quick though since it was so small.

When I was done a lot of the guys told me I was going to regret it in the morning. A few more guys got some tattoos and Eric got his heart redone so that I wasn’t the only one with face pain. Once everyone was done we left and drove around acting like fools and drinking like there was no tomorrow. We got back to our bus at 3 in the morning and we were all completely shit faced I wasn’t sure how I was holding this alcohol either since I wasn’t used to drinking this much, and then I got queasy and right then I threw up thankfully outside of the bus.

“You okay?” Eric asked me.

“Mhmm just a bit queasy” I said holding back more vomit for but a second and then spewed chunks again and asked him to leave no one needed to see me like this. He did as I asked and I was finally done throwing up and walked onto the bus and knocked out in my bunk with my clothes on it was one of those nights.

I woke up the next morning with a severe hangover and rolled out of my bunk groaning at the pain of my head. “So your finally awake, so how much of yesterday do you regret?” Sauce asked jokingly at my pain as I grabbed the jar of vicodin which we just happened to have laying around and dry swallowed one.

“I regret drinking so much of course, what else should I regret?” I said looking in the mirror to fix my hair and realized the answer to my question.

“Why would you guys let me get a tattoo on my face while I was drunk and obviously didn’t know what I was doing?!” I yelled making my headache worse “Especially to match Eric!” he laughed at my frustration so I flipped him off.

“I guess it could be worse” I said inspecting it in the mirror some more

“It looks better on you than Eric.” He smiled now trying to make me feel better.

“I didn’t do anything else that bad last night did I?”

“Other than the insanely disgusting vomiting then no.” he replied I made a disgusted face

“Remind me to never drink again okay?” I said laughing

“You do know who you’re touring with right? It’s impossible to not drink with us.” I ignored his comment and walked out of the bus and into the smoldering heat. I walked into the venue before it started and just chilled in the tent until doors opened when Jon came to the tent. He had his hair pulled back like a greaser and I even had to admit he looked really good. He knew that when he looked like a greaser I couldn’t resist, it was my guilty pleasure.

I looked up at him and I saw his eyes were shocked “What the fuck did you do to your beautiful face!” he said holding my chin up squeezing my face hard.

“I-I got a tattoo yesterday.” I said barely able to move my mouth.

“Do you think I’m fucking stupid I can tell you did that but why?” he said sternly

“I was a little bit drunk.” I said ashamed

“A little bit drunk? You must have been fucking wasted to get such a stupid tattoo.” He let go of my face and I just sighed I didn’t enjoy being talked to like a child. “And on your face! Your face was so beautiful. Come on Kennedy you can’t think it looks good.”

“Jon!” he changed his glance to look at me. “I’m sorry I made a mistake hasn’t everyone made a mistake in their life?”

“Yea but you’ve made two permanent mistakes in the past two years both of those while you were with Breathe honestly I’m starting to not trust them because they aren’t helping you make good decisions.”

“Jon, they let me have fun they make me a better person while you just make me a dramatic wreck.” I paused “I have a job to do now Jon if you could please leave.” I said looking down, he knew how to make me feel like shit, but he wouldn’t leave he just stood there in front of me. “Jon if you stay here any longer someone in Breathe will see you.”

“Good then I can tell them how I feel.” He said, he was being insanely stubborn I kept continuing to ask him to leave until Eric came up, it just had to be Eric didn’t it.

“Is this guy bothering you Kenny? Eric asked looking coldly at Jon.

“No I’m not bothering her but you’re bothering me.” Jon said looking at Eric and then he saw it “Oh my god you got matching tattoos!?” if he was upset before he was furious now.

“They weren’t matching in the beginning he had it first” I said.

“What kind of drugs were you on!” he joked still mad.

“She wasn’t on any drugs that affect her thought, she was drunk though.” Eric said.

“What does that mean were you on drugs?” Jon was confused and mad.

“Why do you care she isn’t your girlfriend.” Eric said

“Oh I’m sorry am I not allowed to care for someone I dated and lived with for three years? Why the fuck do you care?” he said looking at him like he was going to knock him out.

“Because I’ve known her for three years and I’m her friend and friends care about each other. I treat her better than you ever did and I sure as fuck wouldn’t lie to her like you did.” Eric defended himself.

“You may not lie to her but that doesn’t mean she isn’t lying to you already.” I knew he was bringing up our relationship and then walked away.

“He didn’t hurt you before I got here did he?” Eric asked I shook my head “he really needs to get over you, but I can see how it would be hard, you’re a pretty awesome person.” He hugged me and kissed my head him defending me made me feel really good.

“Eric you are perfect thank you.” I said kissing him on the cheek and sitting down.

“Hey we have matching tattoos now I have to defend you.” He laughed as did I I may not have liked my tattoo in the morning but I was beginning to love it.

“But was what he said true? Are you lying to me?” he asked

“No I would never.” I said and I hadn’t lied to him he never had asked if I was dating anyone but I still felt like I lied to him and I felt like shit.
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Please comment I know someone is reading this, I want to know what you guys think

Title Credit: Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused