Status: active




Last night was terrible. After the bitch thing Justin didn’t seem the same. He was riding my ass more then ever, making me clean shit that didn’t need to be touched. I felt very weird being in the house. I made steps in precaution because I was afraid he would be around the corner.

“Hey babe come here”

I walked slowly over to the bed and sat down.

“I’m sorry about yesterday, I know your not a bitch. I didn't mean it. I guess I was just mad. Work was very stressful. Now I just want to relax and be with you. Can you help me relax?”

“No, I’ve got to go clean the bathroom” I said getting up from the bed.

Before I could hardly even stand Justin pulled me back on the bed.

“You can do that later….right?” He whispered in my ear then kissed my neck.

Don’t do it.

I told myself

Don’t give into his games. Once he’s got what he wants you’ll be in pain.

I tried to tell myself to walk away but I couldn’t make myself.

The tears fell down my face as I gave into him. I can't believe I was doing it again. Letting him destroy me like this again. I knew what the cost of it all was but I still gave in.

“You’re the best you know” he said kissing my neck again.

All I could do was sit there so innocently. Nothing to do, nothing to say. Wishing this was all just a nightmare that I could erase from my mind; but clearly it wasn't. He wasn't innocent he was far from it. He was anything but it. Right now I wanted to run away; away from the pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys like it!
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sorry for short chapters but it will probably be a bunch of short chapters because I hate long me they make me feel like im ranting like right now haha :D