Status: active


Enough is enough.


I woke up the next morning feeling a little bit better. Although yesterday was living HELL I've kind of overcome it. When I say overcome the only reason why I am happy is because when I got home Justin wasn't anywhere in site and still isn't.

I spent the day on the computer talking to Jason. He some how figured out that things weren't right with me. I swear Erin has something to do with. I could honestly say if Erin knew I was in trouble and she knew who all could fix it she would stop at nothing to make sure that they knew and that they would try to make things better. In some sense I guess I love her for that but in another sense I want her to stay out. Really the only reason to why I think that is because if she gets too involved Justin will find out and once again I will get hurt. Honestly I don't want anymore pain although I know that won't come true; and I guess I was right.

That night Justin finally decided to show his face and I was really regretting that he did. Justin showed up at 10 o'clock; I was getting ready for bed. Once he arrived I knew I wasn't getting much sleep. At first I didn't realize he was drunk until I looked at him. When he walked in I tried my best to stay away from him his drunk ass found me somehow. I know from experience that Justin is more "hands on" and demanding when he is drunk and I wasn't ready to deal with that.

"Hey bitch. What have you done today? It definitely wasn't me." Justin barked.

"Hello darling. I haven't done much today just cleaned up. But yes, it didn't "do" you today since I haven't seen you since yesterday morning."

"Well I had some things to "do", but now that I'm back how bout we do stuff."

"No Justin, I'm tired."

"You will do what I say and you WILL like it!" Justin yelled while dragging me to the bed

No I will not let you invade my body, not again. I never want to feel this way again and now was the time to stop this all. I step toward him and looked him in the eyes.

"Justin, what has happened to you? You've changed so much and I don't like the guy I'm standing here with."

"Stop talking!"

"I'm leaving!" I barked

"Not if you want to live!" Justin said struggling to stand for he was drunk as shit.

"Is that a threat? You know what Justin, enough is enough."

With those words I saw car lights hit the window when I looked out I saw a familiar face. A face I've only admired on the computer and I couldn't believe it was true.
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I hope you guys like this chapter!
It's kind of obvious who shows up at the end but whatever!
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