Status: active


Knocked out.


When Justin saw the lights he ran over to me and grabbed my arm.

"Who the hell is that?" Justin barked

"I don't know" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Yes you do and you better tell me before I blow my top" he said tightening his grip.

"Honestly. I don't know."

With that Justin dragged me to the kitchen.

"You tell or else." Justin said grabbing a knife and pointing it my way.

I couldn't take the thought of what would happened if I screamed but I did anyways. I screamed on the top of my lungs knowing that help was near.

"You little bitch. You think that when you scream your little knight in shining armor will come find you but when he gets here you won't be. This knife can do wonders baby."

I let out one more big scream to hear a door open and running footsteps of two people heading to the kitchen. When Justin heard the door open and he rushed at me with the knife. The pain was so hard to bare. Before I blacked out I saw Erin running towards me and Jason. Jason took one look at me on the floor then looked at Justin and said:

"Did you do this to her?"

"What's it to ya man?" Justin said slurring his words.

Jason didn't say another word he just went over to Justin and hit him with his fist. Justin was so drunk that one punch was all it took. Jason looked at Justin on the ground.

"Bastard" Jason said with a smirk on his face.

"Um Jason you need to call 911. We need to get an ambulance and a police out here as soon as possible. She's knocked out." Erin said while looking at me.

The police showed up just in time; Justin woke up. The ambulance carried me away while Erin and Jason told them the story.

"Erin I want to thank you for telling me something was wrong and for getting me out here. If you hadn't done that she could have been dead right now and I can't even bare to think about that." Jason said giving Erin a hug.

"She wouldn't listen to me and I knew she would listen to you. At first I thought you were kind of wacky; but that is only because she only knew you over the internet. Now I know that you truly love her and that you're not wacky. I want to thank you for caring about her so much."

"You too. Now let's go to the hospital. We have to see what kind of condition she is in" Jason said rushing to the car.