Status: active


Safe with you


"You know what you did for me, it meant a lot. I don't know how I'll ever repay you" I said beginning to cry.

"No, no, no, don't cry. You've done enough crying. Now if the time you should rejoice, your free of him and you are alright. And you don't need to ever repay me. I saved you because I love you and it hurts me that somebody wanted to and did hurt you." Jason said trying to hold back the tears.

"It means the world to me about how much you care that you come all this way just to check up on me and then you saved my life. My only problem with the whole thing is, I don't want you to leave. I know you have another life where you live but I feel safe with you and I haven't felt that way in a long time. I don't know how I will ever be able to deal with myself without you."

"Kendra, if you want me to stay I'll stay. I make this place my new life, just for you. I won't be going anywhere." Jason said kissing my forehead.

After Jason kissed my forehead I touched his face and gently pulled him near my face and kissed him on the lips.

"I've been waiting months for that." I said with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
short chapter, I know but this is a story filled with short chapters.
I know I haven't updated in a while so I hope that doesn't change your outlook on the story. I will be updating a lot more now that it is summer but remember your comments make me write faster!

I hope you guys enjoyed this update and there will be way more coming soon!

-erinthepoet9 (: