Status: Active - updates around twice a week


Chapter 2

Gerard's POV

“You know you love him, Gee!” Mikey shouted from the kitchen

I shouted back to Mikey to fuck off rather jokingly, wondering if I was going to see him today.

I threw open the door and came face to face with Frank Iero.

Turns out I was going to see him today. Right now in fact.

The poor kid just stood there, dumbstruck. I don’t normally get that reaction from people but
I get it all the time with this guy. It normally wears off after a skittle or two.

Poor little Frankie. Tiny Frankie with the cutest case of bed hair I’ve ever seen. He was just so skinny and fragile, like you could break him if you looked at him too harsh; like you could crush him if you held him too close. I all but melted at the sight of his wide hazel eyes and his slightly open mouth, him just standing there, breathing heavily in shock. I could see straight into Frankie’s heart, at the warmth inside that was never shown to anybody before he was used to their company. Trying to get it out of him was useless; you had to earn his trust every single day.

“Mikey!” I called, causing Frank to flinch and look at the doormat in front of him.

Sorry Frankie

“Yeah, Gee?” My reply came from the kitchen. I moved back out of the doorway a bit to let Frank pass.

“Thanks.” he muttered

You're welcome Frankie

“D’you an’ Frank want a lift this morning?” Frank’s face lit up. I chuckled slightly when he tried to disguise his momentary flash of emotion as a yawn.

“Hell yeah, Gee! That’d be great! Is Frank here yet? He might die of happiness when he hears we get to go in your... car.” He said enthusiastically as he walked into the hallway, but his smile dropped when he saw Frank, who in fact was here, shuffling about awkwardly, scuffing his feet on the carpet. “Oh... hey, Frank.” He finished lamely.

“Hey Mikes.” Frank said in a voice that was smaller than his ego. He looked as though he wanted to curl up and die right there, but not of happiness.

“You want some skittles?” Mikey asked timidly, trying to win Frank over with sweets.

It worked of course, it really cheered him up. I couldn’t help but laugh as he grinned and held out his hands, being incredibly cute. I finally tore my eyes away from his face and looked out of door (still wide open, but hey – it’s summer). That’s when I noticed a girl gaze wistfully at our house as she walked past. She saw me staring back at her and looked away, obviously embarrassed that she’d been caught. What the actual fuck?

“Mikey, do you know her?” I asked pointing at the strange girl with her back to our house.

“Who? Oh. Uhm, uh-huh. That’s Alicia.” He blushed and Frank giggled, hanging off of Mikey’s arm. Oh my god he is so cute.

“Why the fuck was she staring at our house?”

“’cause she luuuurrrrrves Mikey,” Frank teased, laughing even harder.

“Hey, shut up, Frank.” Mikey’s face was crimson... priceless.

“Sowweee Mikey,” Frank pretended to pout and hugged my brother. After a few moments of still pretending to be annoyed, Mikey laughed and hugged back.

“You sure it was a good idea to give him sugar?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. Frank blushed a bit at the sound of my voice. He peeked up at me through his eyelashes, a small, embarrassed smile gracing his lips. He seemed to have sobered up a bit now that he had scared himself by thinking that I would go on to insult his behaviour. What a strange child.

He brushed his fringe out of his eyes in a very feminine gesture of sub-conscious flirting. I was flattered that he was interested (come on it was obvious) but I sometimes feel as though I take advantage of his attention, like I’m stealing him away from Mikey, and god knows he needs a friend.

You see, I don’t want to lead him on until I am confused about my sexuality.

I could name for you off of the top of my head more girls that I’ve slept with in the past couple of years than fingers I have on the end of my hand. Yeah I can be a horny little shit.
But I’ve only kissed a handful of guys, and they were all a drunken haze, half remembered in hangovers after killer parties. So you could say I’m bi-curious.

There’s just something about Frankie that I’m drawn to, that I want to fix. His forlornness? His complete and utter social awkwardness? His troubled demeanour? I don’t know. Maybe it’s the mystery of his home life that not even Mikey knows about.

“We’d better get going, Gee, it’s already eight.” Mikey said, oblivious (as usual) to the silent evaluation of my emotions towards his beautiful little friend that were swirling around within the confusion of my mind.

“GEE!” Mikey shouted, causing both Frank and I to jump.

“Yeah... sure... come on then.” I pushed them both put of the house in front of me and locked the door behind me. I loved watching Frank follow after my brother like a lost sheep. My breath caught in my throat as he glanced round with a genuine smile playing on his lips and a questioning look in his eyes.

I smiled back without thinking.
♠ ♠ ♠
thankyou to my two lovely commenters!!! :D
S.C.A.R.E.C.R.O.W : OHMYGOODNESS yes it does! I said I needed help, didn't I? thankyouuu
thanks also to my 17 readers and my 6 subscribers <3 <3 <3

I'll update on Wednesday/Thursday when I've typed up chapter 3
I might do 2 in one go if I get some comments ;D

Thanks for reading!!! :D<3