Status: hiatus~

Silent Love

Let Your Mind Wander

I starred at the plain cream ceiling of my room. There were small glitter stars that I had stuck on years ago that twinkled in the sun. It seemed fun at the time but now it just seems like a lame attempt to make the world more ... magic. Maybe it worked for a while.

That's when I was disturbed, I saw Dan from the corner of my eye, he cautiously approached my bed with a plate. I took it to find toast with peanut butter. I smiled, in thanks, before wolfing them down; I was hungry.

"Still not talking?" He spoke softly, urging me to reply but I shook my head. Slightly hurt that he didn't respect my silence but still happy that he still cared. It was a complex thing. I didn't believe what I had to say was important, therefore wasting my breath on talking was pointless... I guess. He sat next to me on my bed, our chestnut hair matching a long with our long legs and green eyes. I was the spitting image of Dan, just with longer hair and slightly shorter. He's only 4 years older than me but we act like twins.

Though Dan rarely pays me a visit, I was glad. I enjoyed my own company more than being with people, but it was nice to see Dan every once and a while.

"School starts up tomorrow..." He tried to get me to talk again, he pushed on when he realised it was pointless,

"So are you going to make friends this year?" I shook my head,

"Lila, you can't go through school like this, you can't go through life like this! What about when you want to be heard? What about then huh? They're going to ignore you!" I gave him a hurt look. He sighed, understanding that I didn't want to be heard. He took my empty plate and left. I stayed seated, looking directly into my long mirror. What was wrong with me?

To me.. There was nothing wrong with me, well not really. I still didn't understand why people wouldn't leave me a lone about my silence. But then again they did, it was just Dan who bugged me about it.

I stood up and stretched, this was my last day of freedom. I checked to see I had packed my bag and ironed my uniform. It was all done. All that was left was to sleep and wake up tomorrow.

Dear god I didn't want to wake up tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the first chapter of silent love, please comment I would loooove to know what you think.
More will be coming, and soon. I have had trouble writing this but I feel that it lets you into a little of the beginning so it is kind of a teaser. But the next chapter will be up very shortly. It'll be quite interesting :]
- K.