Status: Updates... not very often, but sometimes often.

Dreaming Of Getting Away

This house is said to be haunted, muderous ghosts flood through there every night, waiting for a stupid, teen that was dared, to come in and face their death. Their friends would wait outside, just to hear their screams, and blood splatter the windows, and with that their never seen again.

Jamie and her mum are just moving in there, ignoring the stupid rumors around town. Not that they even knew of the rumors, until one day school starts, and that's all she hears through the halls. She thinks it's a joke, but it's much more. Jamie can't sit back and watch her life flash before her eyes. She will do all she can to get them out of that house in the dead of night, with ghosts hot on their tracks, waiting to slice off their heads, or grind them in the meat grinder, like the movie Wrong Turn, but worst.

Now if only Jamie's mum had gotten more information from the lady selling the house, then they might not have to be risking their lives...
