I Hear You Breathing on the Line


I woke up yet again in my new spacey loft, the bright sunlight shining through the windows. A small smile appeared on my face as I got out of my bed and walked over to the kitchen area to make myself a coffee. Ever since I moved to San Diego I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. After quickly dressing myself I booked it out of the door to my car and drove to work.

I work at a local CD shop. It’s not as much as it seems to be, it was usually silent and the speakers blasted tolerable music. Today seemed to be different though. As I walked in I noticed that there were more staff members than usual working and there was a group of security guards huddled and talking near a table of food that was set up in the back. I quickly walked over to my boss and asked her about what's happening.

"There's a CD signing. It's a local band, they're pretty big throughout the world though. You seem like you might like them. They're called Pierce The Veil" She told me nonchalantly. I nodded and walked back to the front of the store going through the aisles and sorting CD's. Looking out the window, there were already many teenage girls lining up outside dressed in t-shirts (probably the band's) and skinny jeans. So this was another scene-kid-attracting band. Wonderful.

About a half hour into sorting CD's and my usual work routine high pitched screams were heard from outside. I looked out the window to see bodies standing everywhere on their tip toes searching for the band who was about to arrive in the store. A few seconds later the screaming died down and I decided to make my way back to my boss and co-workers to see what was going on at this moment.

As I drew nearer I saw that my boss was talking to four guys, so I quickly walked over to my co-workers putting down my CD's on the counter.

"What's going on?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Well Amy over there is talking to the boys in Pierce The Veil" Robby pointed over to my boss who was immersed in conversation with them. "This signing is going to be crazy. I mean those kids are wild."

I chuckled softly before lifting myself to sit on the counter. The boys were directed into the back room where they were to wait until it was time for the signing. Since it was a signing day, it meant I didn't have to do much today. Just sit around and make sure things don't get too out of hand.

A while later Amy walked over to me with a worried look on her face. "Well it's time guys. Are you just sitting there? You should be working. Oh whatever, can you please go get the guys? They're in the back dressing room, just let them know that it's almost time for the signing and bring them out in five minutes okay?"

"You look worried." Robby commented with a grin on his face.

"I just don't want my store to be a wreck at the end of the day. These kids seem crazy. Oh and if it does end up being a wreck you're staying and cleaning it up." She looked at Robby sternly.

I took that as my cue to go and get the guys. To be honest I was a bit nervous, I always had trouble talking to people and I never made the perfect first impression. As I walked through the blank hallway my heart was starting to beat faster and faster. When I reached the dressing room door I paused, standing there for a second before gathering up all that I could and opening the door.

The dressing room was a nice light blue which held two couches, a television and a xbox 360. The guys were sitting on the couch not doing much. One with black spiky hair was sitting on the table with his laptop up. They were all dressed in a t-shirt and skinny jeans combo. It looked extremely good on them.

"Um, Hi. Amy just wanted me to let you guys know that your signing is going to be in five minutes?" I squeaked out softly. They all turned to look at me and I gave them a weak smile. The one with spiky hair closed his laptop and got up and headed towards me.

"Thanks for letting us know. Who may you be?" He smiled.

"Lily. Lily Layle. I work in the shop…" I said stupidly. Suddenly three other heads turned my way as I felt a bit awkward just standing there. I quickly checked my watch and thankfully it was time for the signing.

They all got up and followed me out to the front of the shop. As they took their seats fans were allowed in and the chaos started. There was fangirls, screaming, and craziness everywhere. They sat there signing and smiling at every fan who walked by. I could tell that they were genuinely nice and appreciated every fan, which brought a huge smile to my face. As the time drew closer to three o'clock I hopped off the counter and walked over to my boss letting her know that I was leaving for the day.

I quickly pushed through the crowd quickly leaving the store and walking to my car. As I drove home the beautiful sights of palm trees quickly passed me leaving me to smile once again. The scenery is beautiful here in California and I'm glad that I decided to come here of all places. As I reached my complex I quickly hopped out and ran into my loft quickly changing and grabbing my camera and other necessities. As I was about to head out my phone started ringing and I scampered to go pick it up.

"Hiho, how are you doing?" A cheery voice came from the speaker.

"Hi Alli. What's happening?" I quickly said reaching over for my lenses and stuffing them into my camera bag.

"The band's playing main stage tonight. I got your full access so you can go around and take photos. Be sure to say hi to them though, they seem like good guys. Also could do some promos with them? Not anything lengthy, just short, against a wall or something of the sort." She gushed out. Alli was one of my closest friends. We grew up together in the outskirts of Las Vegas but when we were fifteen her mom fell in love with a guy who lived in California and she ended up moving to San Diego with them. She worked at the local venue Soma now and helped me quite a bit with my hopes to pursue a career in photography.

"Yeah definitely. I'll see you there in about half an hour or forty five minutes." I told her before we said our goodbyes and I headed out the door.
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Wee! New story. I'm writing as we speak, and will be writing for a while.
Can I get some comments, anyone? What do you think about the story?