Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

X: Friends

Part X: Friends

Natalie's old black Camry was parked on the curb
mom loves Nat like she's her own daughter
Personally I thought Natalie would scare her
Inch thick eyeliner
and dye black hair
Gothic Natalie

Mom would freak if I was.
I opened the door and got inside
seats worn to comfort
like our old leather couch

"Four minutes twenty five seconds, that's a new record"
Natalie smiled
Thick southern accent at odds with everything else
"Oh shut up" I laugh

Natalie had moved to town a few months after Danny's death
I was still pretty messed up
We talked some in class
And that same evening she came by my house
with pocky and the first three volumes of trinity blood
determined to cheer me up

She was no Danny
but then
you're lucky to find one person like Danny in your life
but it felt good to have a friend
someone to depend on
and have depend on you
still she doesn't ask me much about Danny
and i don't ask what she does on Saturdays at mid night

---Part X: The End