Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XI: School of Hope

Part XI: School of Hope

"Get off the road if you're going to drive like that!"
Natalie screamed out the window
I was clutching the dashboard for dear life
she turns to me
"drivers these days"
look back at the road Natalie
I don't want to die
Thank god school is only a five minute drive away

The parking lot was still half empty when we arrived
Natalie tips the mirror down to apply lipstick
red not black
that could only mean one thing
"So we've got new students?"
when when the school reluctantly elected Natalie as a Representative
They told her to stop wearing black lipstick
But of course Natalie wasn't OK with that
ergo red

"mmm yeah two guys, a sophomore and a senior"
she got out of the car
straightening her black calf length skirt
"which means"
(she quietly cheers)
"I get to skip first period"

We walk into Hope High
(I know original right?)
ignoring the snickers that echo like curses in the halls
The girls who once teased me about my looks
now hiss at me for entirely different reasons

Nat and Me do absolutely nothing til the bell rings
while everyone else freeze their asses off in the court yard
The bell rings and we say goodbye
her off to greet the newbies
Me to Chemistry
after the first five minutes it's decided
this is going to be a very boring day
--------Part XI: The End