Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XIV: Ignore the Pretty Boy

Part XIV: Ignore the Pretty Boy

I speed out of class
even quicker than in science
Not wanting to meet him
I don't know why I didn't like him
maybe I was Embarressed
I told my self I didn't want to meet another idiot

My thoughts seemed to be confirmed at lunch
he and his brother sat together
and he was approached by numerous people
they talked for a minute they joined him
his brother got fed up with it all and moved away

"It's to bad really"
Natilie looked dazedly up
from staring at Dustin
I had to work very hard not to roll my eyes

"The Crombie Zombies have gotten to him and they're going to infect them."
She shrugged stabbing a soggy fork ful of her salad
"You're judging him aweful fast aren't you?"
Not that I'd admit it
"I haven't judged him; yet"

Natilie rolled her eyes
not even bothering to hide it

she wanted me to know i was being stupid
She started to shove her hair out of her face
but stopped mid action
eyes widening slightly

I turned to see what she was staring at
what was just so enamoring
I say what it was Imediatly
I felt like someone poked me with a cattle prod
Dustin had left his little court at his table
And was walking straight towards us.

---Part XIV: The End