Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XV: Mind over Body

Part XV: Mind over Body

I glared at him
as he walked up
he just sat down at our table
like he owned it
I looked at my chicken
ignoring him
forcing him to make the first move
his overly atractive voice
almost breaking my reserve

But I just looked up at him
more handsom than any boy had a rite to be
And repeated his greeting
all be it coldly
He smiled at me
seeming oblivous
"I'm Dustin"
I gave him my best devil may care look

"We're going to go to south field park tonight you wanna come?"
dear lord the crombie zombies have already got to him

"And I'm Natilie"
Natilie piped up to late, sounding stupefied

"He gave her a look like, was I talking to you"

do you remember that trap I was talking about earlier?
well it just snapped shut
"I'd rather visit the dump with Charles Manson"
I gave him one last filthy look
I stood up chair squealing back
and walked swiftly away
leaving a disgruntaled Dustin behind

Natilie followed me looking more than a little ticked
One of the crombie's walked up to Dustin
"Don't worry Princess is to good for any body"
I ignored Natilie's annoyed speach
I was so ticked
I hated it

him acting like he knew me
like I was a friend
Like he wanted to take Danny's place
I didn't want to think that
I knew he had know idea about Danny
who he was
what happened to him
what he meant to me

he had english with me too
sitting far away from me

I didn't even feel like riding home with Natilie
so I took the bus
I didn't snap out of it til I was half way home.
I mentally shook myself

Danny would NEVER treat Natilie like that

-----Part XV: The End