Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XX: Agency

Part XX: Agency
She must have heard my voice shaking
her tone softened
"Hey sweety, you remember we called you a few months ago to ask you about your friend?"
11 months 4days to be percice.
"Y-es, did did you"
I licked my chapped lips
"find something,"
she sounded a little sad
"Well no not exactly but we may have a new lead"
I half-begged
"This morning two people from a higher up agency came to talk about the case, they said they've been investigating a sting of murders like your friend's."
I dropped the phone
half from my sweaty hands
and the other half from shock
her voice went out
concerned from the phone
as I fumbled with it
"Hello, hello,"
"ah you're still there'
"yeah go on with what you were saying, why are you calling me."
"Well the two men were specificly interested in meeting you, said some thing about wanting to talk to the friends and family."
"Right, so um do I need to come down to the police station?"
"Oh no, not right now at least the men are gone for the night, we were wondering if you'd come by tomorrow after you get out of school."
I'd finnally gained some control over my speech.
"ok, Wait before you go, what agency did you say these men were from?"

"A higher up agency."
she didn't sound like it was a seceret, she sounded confused
"Um yes but Which higher up agancy,"
"A higher up agency."
Detective Linsey only sounded more confused
"Alright well goodbye."
she didn't answer.
and I hung up.

I told my parents I'd be late tomorrow and why
then I went up to bed
I lay there a long time
brain to full to really think
as my eyes finally closed
my last thought was
Oh lord would the nightmares be bad tonight
---------Part XX: The End