Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XXII: If That Was Just A Dream I Don't Want To Know Your Nightmares

Part XXII: If That Was Just A Dream I Don't Want To Know Your Nightmares
I hit the ground with a muffled thud
my sheet felt like arms grabbing tight around me
I screamed
my body lashing out
head whacking hard aginst the sharp corner of my night stand
I was gasping for air,
clutching my head a thin cut dripping blood on to my face
I heard the shuffling of feet on the stairs
some one pounded on my door
"Laurel are you all right?"
my mothers voice

I scrambled out of my sheets wrapped tight around me like a straight jacket
holding my head I opened the door a cra(k
Moms eyes were vulnerable and frightened
"Yes I gasped j-just a dream"
She still looked scared
"Really I'm alright"
this was fast becoming awkward
"Really just go back to sleep"
she didn't look wholy convinced but left any way

I looked down at my hand and saw the blood
I shuffled to my bathroom
walking inside just as the details of the dream hit me
for a minute i thought I might vomit
but the feeling passed
I slid to the floor
all my tough girl exterier stripped away
as I bauled

Every bit the scared little freshman girl
I wanted Danny so bad right it was aphysical ache
I wanted him to just tell me it was a silly dream
but it wasn't he was dead.
And I was alone
------Part XXII: The End
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