Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XXV: Morons

Part XXV: Morons

The tears that I had held back now fell down my face
I wiped at them angerily
why did he have to actually seem nice
Why did he have to try to help me.
Back then I didn't dwell on the fact that he was any more than another bedazzled condum.
It would have shatter my disition to hate him.
I just shoved the idea out of my mind.

I quickly dressed in my potato sack of a gym uniform
not wanting to dwell in the squeal mass of other girls
and the nauseating scent of sweat and the backed up floor drain mixed with a hundred body sprays and purfumes.

I sat outside on the bleachers til I heard the sounds of a comotion just out of sight around the corner.
Right in front of what I knew to be the boys locker room.
Don't get involved I tried to tell myself
It's just silly testosterone ridden boys
But the annoying cricket chirping in my ear won out
Stupid conscience

It was a group of boys
they and had cornered a familier teenager with shaggy black hair
and a baggy hoodie
"What's this'
the tallest one, Martin I regignized him, crowed
"Sunscreen D@mnit"
Michael growled trying to snatch it away
"What, you afraid you'll turn to ash in the sun?
Martin simpered
his crownies laughed

when he pushed Michael against the cheerfully painted cinderblock of the locker room wall
I desided it was time to step in
"What's wrong Martin can't deal with anyone being younger than you but still cooler, then again it's not much of a contest."
Martin sneered at me
"Well if it's not the Princess, honoring us with her presence"
He gave an overly frilly bow
that set his buddies of again.

"Or has the Princess finnally desided to pick a mortal"
Martin shook Michael
who didn't struggle but meerly, fixed him with a death glare
"Hey Shorty you might be the lucky one"
Martin smirked at me
"Why don't you kiss him I know how you only like dead things"
I rolled my eyes
"Why don't you get a blow up doll I know how you only like things 70 percent plastic or more."
His friends, ooohhed
and laughed.

Martin's eyes narrowed
he let go of Michael
And glared at me
I think he was trying to be threatening
I just stared haughtily back
He was full of hot air, just like the girls
exept the few who might actually beat you up,
not a good mistake to make.
But after a minute Martin looked away and marched off
muttering his other favorite nick name under his breath.
------Part XXV: The End