Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XXVIII: Driving

Part XXVIII: Driving

Natalie drove me to the precinct after classes were over
talking rapidly
her voice sounded extremely down south
like it does when she's worried
She was driving faster than normal
which was saying something
For safety's sake I probably should have rode the bus
but I didn't want to be alone

And as odd as it sounds Nat's way of trying to make me feel better
(even though she sucks at the whole crying scene comforting)
made me feel better
It was good to know someone was pushing their comfort zone way passed it's limit simply because they cared about you.

"So I was wondering jus what Nina had shoved up her a$$ to act like that. She of course didn't take kindly to my suggestion. And asked me why insisted on dressin like a hobo."
we finally reached the cold brick building
Its double doors, propped open
Like the hungry mouth of a snake
It was even more forboding that when i first came there nearly a year ago

I sighed opening the door of Nat's car, it began to make the annoying ,door ajar noise.
Natalie leaned out the window.
"Sure you don't want me to wait for you.'
I nodded half wanting to jump back in the car.
"I'm sure.'
my voice was calmer than my mind.'
"I don't know how long I'll be here, I-I'll just take the bus home."

I smiled weakly at Nat.
took a deep breath
And headed for the mouth of the beast

------Part XXVIII: The End