Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XXX: The Other Department

Part XXX: The Other Department

I entertained myself for a moment thinking about her face when I showed up again on Thursday.
Or her face when the dragged me past when I k!lled my shadow partner.
Hey, could happen
I unwrinkled the paper wrapped tightly in my f!st
An office number?
My eyes raked the individual doorways as I passed
It had her nameplate by the door
Detective Ilana Linsey.

I knocked hesitantly
The person behind it barked at me.
"If that's you again Harley you just tell..."
"Detective Linsey, it's me Laurel Mortis."
A chair squeaked
the door clicked open
Detective Linsey was older than I suspected, despite her narrow body and only slightly lined eyes, she looked at least fifty.
salt and pepper hair mostly salt.

She smiled at me
"Hello Laurel,"
she held out her hand
I shook it
But It was then I say them
sitting there calm as you please
I was startled at how much young they were
As I had been about how old the detective.

One of them looked barely older than me
Dark hair
Dark eyes
vaguely Hispanic
and hansom.
He didn't bother me

The other one looked looked not a day over twenty five
Extremely pale
extremely hansom
Heck they both looked like they had popped out of a cheesy cop drama
He looked a little more like he belonged here
with his military short red hair
and steely eyes
those eyes bothered me
That look of absolute superiority
like I was no bigger than a fly
like a gun was pointed at my head
Ice water poured down my spine.
Detective Linsey caught my gaze
"Oh This is David Enos."

I fixed my face into what I hoped was a smile
though it turned into more of a grimace
His hands were freezing cold like he kept them in a freezer
"Hello Ms. Mortis."
he rumbled.
"And this is Angel Aves."
He the Hispanic young man smiled at me
his hands were freezing to
were did these guys come from, Antarctica?

-----------Part XXX: The Other Department