Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XXXI: Fuzz

Part XXXI: Fuzz

David Enos clapped his hand together making me jump
"Ok no use wasteing time."
Aves turn to the detective
'We'll need a private place to talk."
She smiled dazedly
"Okee Dokee."
what the heck?
Is she on drugs?

She grinned stupidly the whole way to the coference room
and as me and the the two men walked in she did something even weirder
she just stood in the doorway
not in not out
"You can go Detective."
Enos half laughed.
I was shaking
an odd fogginess clouded my brain as Angel Aves turn to look at me smiling peacefully
my shaking stopped and I relaxed.

Enos smiled at me
I grinned back
"Hello Laurel."
something buzzed at the back of my head
but I didn't care
I felt like laughing

Enos became suddenly serious
"Laurel Mortis I'm going to ask you a few questions and you are going to answer to the best of your ability."
I nodded happily
sure why not?
"Laurel how did you know the deseased."
their was a sharp pain somewhere in my chest
"Yes Daniel Rove, what was your relationship?"
I tried to think but my memories were a blur
just a feeling of warmness.

I giggled
Enos eyebrows shot up
His voice was a warning
Aves rubbed his temples

-------Part XXXI: The End