Status: in progress

Missing Eternity


Part XXXII: Buzz

He glared at Enos
he looked ticked
"I can't go weaker it wouldn't work."
I giggled again
what were they talking about
The buzzer in my head was beginning to hurt.
"Right well then you were close to Mr. Rove right?"
"Not Mr. Rove, Danny."
"Right Danny."

The buzzer was like a fire alarm trying to wake me up
was I dreaming?
"When was the last time you saw Danny."
"It was....."
I wanted to say it
But the buzzing was filling my head now
You're not supposed to tell this Laurel.
"I saw him at school."

Wait my blurry mind called to the buzz
that's not it I saw him
I saw him
"Are you sure?"
don't tell him
there my friends right?
But the answer came back loud and clear
No absolutely not you don't know them.
The fuzz was gone
just for a second.

Enos watched me closely
Aves muttered some thing in a language I couldn't understand
"Estúpido físico!"
I fought hard again the fuzziness now
Half of me was fighting to wake up
But the other didn't want to get up and face the world.

-----Part XXXII: The End