Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XXXIII: Wake Up Call

Part XXXIII: Wake Up Call

"Laurel have you ever heard of the, 'Torn Twin' murd3rs?"
I chirped
He fished a folder out from under his chair.
"There was a string of double murders up and down the west coast.
Always the same, two teenage boys go missing and few day later they would find their bodies both horribly mangled."

He began to lay out pictures.
The same thing every time, two figures shrouded with white sheets.
He said two names with each photo.
"Mark Davis, Evan White,
Darel Thomas, Willahem Savara,
Eric Bale, Elijah Benas."
Enos looked up at me,
"Always pairs up until your friend."

He laid down the last photo.
You know that fuzziness I was talking about?
It was at that moment when it was blasted completely away.
Aves was visably rocked back.
I began to hyperventilate.
"Daniel Rove."

-----Part XXXIII: The End