Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

XLVI: The Question

Part: XLVI: The Question

I finally spoke to him when I brought back a eight inch stack of printing paper
thing weighed a ton.
"This is much duller than you thought it would be isn't it."
I shrugged, I'd shadowed before
"A little."
He smiled
"At least your honest, tell me, what job you want when your older. "
he laughs when I answer

"I thought so, why though if it's so boring?"
"My friend Danny."
His face darkened
"I'm sorry about what happened I was on his case before... well."
"Before he died."
I finished.
He nodded
"That still leaves a question though, if you don't mind?"
I shrug
"Why missing persons?"

"Why missing persons?"
I didn't get thew question at first
then I realized what he meant,
Why Missing Persons when my friend was dead.
"I don't mean to be rude but wouldn't you more want to work in the say, homicide department?"
I blush
"No definitely missing persons."
I elaborate

"I guess it's because I've been the person clutching phone and wondering if that someone is OK, "
I bite my lip
"And I've been the person who's gotten the bad news, that their loved one is dead."
My voice has risen slightly
Why am I getting so emotional
I realize I still don't know what happened to Danny and everyone that knows anything seem determined to keep it from me.
"I want to find out what happens before the second thing happens, I.... I don't want anyone else going through that."

"Or maybe I'm just chicken."
I shrugged
"Maybe I'm just afraid to see death."
"I'd rather just hand it of to some one else."
"no offense."
I said quickly.
He smiled
"None what so ever but I have another question for you, if the time came when their was a chance to stop his killer but it meant breaking all the rules to do it would you?"

My brain searched for an answer
I knew the right answer, but I decided to feel the truth.
"Probably, yes."

---------------- Part: XLVI: The End