Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

V: Terror

Part V: Terror

He swayed
My hands went out to help him
But he pushed them away
"Laurel listen to me you have to run!"
I shook my head frantically
"No I'm not losing you!"
Not again
his eyes were begging

Oh how I wanted to run
I'd never felt it before
Something had awoken
deep in my being
The prey feeling
The shear force of instinct

"Come with me then"
caged sadness filled his face
He felt it to
"I can't"
you could almost see the strength draining out of him
The laughter came again
and immeasurably closer
barely more than a whisper

The rubber band of instinct snapped
I turned and ran
The thought still makes me sick
Not Knowing where I was going
Away from the predator
It fueled my flight
adrenaline and terror