Status: in progress

Missing Eternity

L: Ice-cream?

"I said I'd tell you soon,"
Dustin says, turning on the main road.
and heading the opposite direction of home.
"Hey you're going the wrong way."
Way to state to obvious.
"I know,"
He says smugly
I consider my earlier plan of action for a minute
you know the one that involves screaming out the window.
"Oh-Kay where are we going then."
"To get ice-cream,"
he says simply

"You needed to talk right; I'll talk to you then."
I try to protest
but he looks at me pleadingly
"Please just do it."
I hold my tongue
he spend five minute looking up and down the streets before I decide to tell him.
"We don't have an ice-cream place this side of town, It closed a few months ago, but we have a frozen yogurt place on fifth."
He sighed sounding relieved
"That'll work."

He eases the old car into the smooth new parking lot.
I step out as soon as we stop
and stick my head thru the front passenger window
"Fine now we talk."
"So what is it you're burning to know,"
Dustin sighs
dropping into a mass produce metal chair
ten minutes later.
The sun is warm today the first really hot day of the year
I rub my hand against the clear plastic cup, filled with vanilla yogurt and strawberries.
"Well first of all how do you know Kylie,"
I say bluntly.
He sighs and thinks for a moment
I watch him closely ready to catch a lie,
the place hidden in the recesses of my skull buzzes
"I met her a few years ago,"
"She came to ask me questions"
he swallows looking nervous
"It was right after a friend of mine was killed."

------ Part: L: The End