Status: in progress

Missing Eternity


Part IX: Living
11 months later
I hate Mondays
Just when weekend sleep sets it's tone

off white hair striped with my color of the month
shoved behind my ears
I face the mirror my old enemy
I'm not that chubby little girl any more
someone might even give me a second glance

tight band tee shirt
blue plaid mini skirt
kinda cruel
teasing the people who previously made my life hell

My dad yells up the stairs
"hurry up Laurel, Natalie will be here any moment"
march down the stairs
to see my dad
he smiled at me
"your mom left for work already"

I gave a half hearted noise
thru my muffin
Natalie's horn blares
I turn to leave

"Na-ah skirt check"
I roll my eyes
hold my hands at my side
I act like a little girl, sticking out my lower lip
"why do you baby me"
he gives me a side hug
looking melancholy
"Because soon you'll be to old and, I'll just be someone on your Christmas card list."
I grin give a wave
and walk out the front door

Part IX: The End
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